Realm of Chaos – Nurgle’s Children 2018 #3: Trish Morrison’s Great Unclean One (1996-8) Painting Decemb-uary 2017-18: Part 5

Trish Morrison's Great Unclean One of Nurgle (1996-8)

This post is doing double-duty. I’d mocked up a draft post for a couple of WIP shots from the same series I took last week, but I’ve been working on the Great Unclean one pretty constantly whenever I have some hobby time, so the model’s been changing apace from the shots I was going to post about.

Trish Morrison's Great Unclean One of Nurgle (1996-8)

I had also planned to post a more general Painting Decembuary update this weekend, but there’s only been one update from the participants regarding it in past week, a rather lovely dreadnought from Tinpotrevolutionary, (go check it out!) so given that, I’m making this post about my own model, and hold off until late next week for the wrap-up Decembuary post.

Trish Morrison's Great Unclean One of Nurgle (1996-8)

So the double duty is for my own Nurgle Daemon army build, and my own entry to Decembuary. You’ll notice the odd years up above. The model has 1996 carved into one foot, yet the model doesn’t show up until the 1998 Citadel catalogue, so my best guess is that it came out in late 1997. I could check old White Dwarves for the exact year/month, but ain’t nobody got time for dat right now.

Trish Morrison's Great Unclean One of Nurgle (1996-8)

The model is fucking busy. There are SO many little buboes, maggots, rot-worms, rents in the skin, pustules and whatnot, and I was determined to do a job on it that I’d be satisfied with – unlike my fast job on the original GUO that’s always bothered me a little (he’s getting renovated now with a new base). This meant no “wash and done” since I knew it’d just bother me later on.

Trish Morrison's Great Unclean One of Nurgle (1996-8)

Given that I really didn’t get much done in December at all because of what happened, I really thought I’d fail to get anything finished this year – let alone this guy, plus my overly-optimistic “stretch goals” of Mamon, maybe Cor’Bax, then onto completing Be’Lakor and maybe even the Marauder Giant. But yeah. Under the circumstances, I managed to finish this guy, and I’m happy with that.

Trish Morrison's Great Unclean One of Nurgle (1996-8)

Mounting him raised up on some slate has given his Flail of Skulls the effect of being sort-of swung behind him, off the ground. Anyone familiar with the original model will also notice that his tongue has been swapped out. I hated the original head-on-a-tongue sculpt – not conceptually, but the execution – so I replaced it entirely with a metal tentacle from the original Chaos Spawn model from the 1990s’. I bought a few of them just for the bits, back in the day.

Yeah. This guy was a lot of work, but I’m quite pleased with the final result.

Trish Morrison's Great Unclean One of Nurgle (1996-8)

Happy, but not satisfied. Therefore I’ve also restarted work on Mamon, and I’m hoping to have him completed before the end of the month. It’ll be close, either way. I also seem to have misplaced all of my Nurglings. Once they’re located, I’ll paint some up and place them on appropriate models – this model for example, will only get 2nd-gen metal Nurglings.

Oh, there’s now also THIS guy on the horizon. Not for awhile though, as I want to finish all my Nurgle metal and resin before starting on the plastic. When this guy becomes a thing, this old Great Unclean One will probably have to be demoted to Daemon Prince of Nurgle – just as the OG Realm of Chaos GUO will be once he’s rebased. The size discrepancy will just be way too much.

For now, I’m happy to let him lord it over his minions…

24 thoughts on “Realm of Chaos – Nurgle’s Children 2018 #3: Trish Morrison’s Great Unclean One (1996-8) Painting Decemb-uary 2017-18: Part 5

    • I’ve been trying a new technique that I read about for the Plaguebearers and this guy. Paint the eyes white, then carefully stipple diluted Scorpion Green over the area. I used a Evil Sunz Scarlet for the Skull-Flail and sword because there was already so much green.
      I also varnished those areas first – just to be safe in case I needed to try and brush it away.

      Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, KS. I may try and do all four 2nd-era vintage Greater Daemons this year. Maybe the originals as well. We’ll see how I go with time and sustainment of interest. 😉


  1. That’s inspiring and beautiful! (In a nurglesque way, that is
    Mine’s under a thick one-layer coat of green paint.
    Now I master the ancient art of stripping and greenstuffing (for there’s a ton of missing parts in there, too) I might get to it! (Though it’s been reduced to Nurgle beast size, hasn’t it?)

    Liked by 1 person

    • The goods thing about Nurgle is that Greenstuff often looks great, and you can always plug in some spare parts from other models as well – especially other Nurgle models! The new beasts are much larger as you say – probably the same size as this guy. I’ve got some ideas about beasts as well, actually…


  2. Pingback: Painting Decemb-uary 2017-18: Part 6 – The Final Round-Up! | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  3. Pingback: Realm of Chaos – Nurgle’s Children 2018 #4: Reaper Bones Carrion Worms (as Beast of Nurgle proxies) | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  4. Pingback: Warhammer 40k – Papa Nurgle Meets An Airbrush, AKA The Neglected Model February Painting Challenge (Score So Far +5) | Steinberg Shed Space

  5. Pingback: Realm of Chaos – Nurgle’s Children 2018 #7: Mamon Transfigured, Fel Icon of the Tainted (Forge World). Painting Decemb-uary 2017-18: Postscript 2 | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  6. Pingback: Squaduary 2018 Wrap-Up | Azazel's Bitz Box.

  7. Pingback: Zombicide Black Plague: Zombie Bosses – Ablobination, Abominatroll and Abominotaur | Azazel's Bitz Box.

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