Marvel Crisis Protocol: Spider-Man

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Spider-Man

I’ve somehow, finally completed the last of the figures from my Marvel Crisis Protocol Core Set with perhaps the most important hero – Spidery-Man! One of the reasons I took so long to get Spidey painted is because I wanted to do right by my old friend Peter. With all of the insane BS he’s had to deal with in the comics after I stopped reading, it’s a wonder that Peter hasn’t also quit on Spider-Man comics long ago.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Spider-Man

Then there’s also the suit. I mean there’s the perfectly valid use of contrast red, contrast blue – done! Which I used on the recent Marvel Zombies set that I painted. But for my Crisis Protocol model, I wanted to pick them out as well as do a slight highlight on the …panels in between each web –  which just ended up being a little pinky – but then the highlight really almost disappeared when I hit that part of the suit with a red glaze to bring back the red over the pink.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Spider-Man

When I was getting to the end of the figure, I noticed that the white (usually black) lines on the suit looked …kinda good. I considered, but then given current year argument means that Spidey no longer just has the one Red & Blue – or even two (Black & White) constumes, but instead has a multitude of them across the comics and MCU, I just repainted all of those lines in off-white, as well as the chest-spider.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Spider-Man

I reckon it looks pretty good, and it’s not like there’s any shortage of unique Spider-Man figures in the MCP line (we’re up to three just for Peter, now – with a fourth one imminent!) so yhere’s going to be plenty of scope for a fully-traditional Red & Blue suit – as well as even more variation!

Now I just need to get 3 pieces of terrain complete and the entire Core Set box will be done – How many days are left of Dave’s Season of Scenery again…?