D&D Monster Manual 97: Temple of Elemental Evil – Air Cult Warriors, Fire Cult Warriors and Water Cult Warriors (Fire Water Burn!)

The blog’s been quite for a week or so as I haven’t been able to paint all that much for the past little while. I did manage to spend a very late night watching a young fellow on the streets of Rostov livestream a bunch of Wagnerites waiting around for the Chechens, but sadly, Prigozhin blinked and everyone went to bed (including myself). Regardless, I did manage to paint another batch of the D&D Boardgame models over the last couple of weeks, and now I’ll definitely be focusing on non-D&D models for awhile..

Dungeons and Dragons Miniature Figures D&D Temple of Elemental Evil – Air Cultist Warriors

Dungeons and Dragons Miniature Figures D&D Temple of Elemental Evil – Air Cultist Warriors

I found some artwork for all three types of cultist, and used them as general inspiration for my models, though I thought the Air Cultists looked much too dark for “air”. Good, but too dark.

Dungeons and Dragons Miniature Figures D&D Temple of Elemental Evil – Fire Cultist Warriors

Dungeons and Dragons Miniature Figures D&D Temple of Elemental Evil – Fire Cultist Warriors

Of the three, I think these Fire guys are my favourites. But let’s face it, the bar is pretty low here. I added a glimse of simple OSL onto the floor which I’m just now noticing leaked onto the rims. If I cared more about these, I’d clean that up, but, you know…

Dungeons and Dragons Miniature Figures D&D Temple of Elemental Evil – Water Cultist Warriors Dungeons and Dragons Miniature Figures D&D Temple of Elemental Evil – Water Cultist Warriors

Finally I have these discount-Namor-impersonators with (for some reason) greaser hair. I gave them deeper, richer teal/turquioise/aqua colours to represent the …aqua and visually define them from the Air Force up top.

Anyway, these models are once again mid models with mid paintjobs, but they’ll look completely fine at arm’s length on the boardgame tiles. I’m also another good chunk closer to completing those D&D boardgames, so once i can steel myself back to facing more of them, I’ll knock more of them out. Until then, I’ve got some other models what need finishing, and also apparently the Season of Scenery Starts Soon. Gonna try and finish some things I wanted to finish last year. And the year before….

But first, one (or maybe two) more posts for June…

Mythic Battles: Pantheon – Echidna’s Children Boxed Set Complete

Mythic Battles: Pantheon - Echidna's Children Boxed Set: Basilisk (Giant Snake), Chimera, Teumessian Fox

After finally completing the Basilisk model recently, which was the final of the three models to complete the Mythic Battles: Pantheon “Echidna’s Children” boxed set along with the Chimera and the Teumessian Fox., I’d originally planned to just post this photo at the end of the Basilisk’s post, but then I reflected and felt the three of them together as a completed boxed set deserved their own post for the group photo. So here it is! 🙂