Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

Another Crisis Protocol model today! Today we have the blue-furred Hank McCoy, aka Beast! I first encountered Beast in his original X-Men run as a kiddo when given random old comics, and then again later on when I started reading X-Men in the 1980’s (and for some reason Beast had gone from Hulk-style kinda thick-set to blue and furry?)

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

I know that Beast has had other looks – Google shows him with a weird cat face, there’s pictures of him with glasses (because I guess, smart = visually impaired?), and pictures of him looking like Frasier Crane for some reason. This particular figure came with an option for a bespectacled head and also a book in that fist-hand. I went for the non-specs version because this is how I always picture Beast, and the non-book version because he’s in this game to fight people – not read them a bedtime story featuring calculus.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

As per usual with these bases, I added some smashed slate to help blend the sculpted rubble in with the plastic base. The figure did look pretty plain, though – so I added a lot of rust to the damaged scaffolding in order to add some reddish/warm tones to counter point all the blue.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

Rather than blending, I went with predominantly drybrushing on this model in order to give his skin/fur a rougher texture – more akin to fur than a perfectly smooth blended surface would have been. I also did a little bit of careful stippling to help it along.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

I want to get a decent number more of these Crisis Protocol figures painted this year, though in practical terms that could end up just being one or two figures a month with all of the rest of the things I’m painting at the same time. I’ve got another two in progress on the desk, and another two in partially-assembled pieces on the desk, and another three assembled and sitting on the tray – so who knows how productive the next months will turn out?

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Iron Fist

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Iron Fist

Slightly longer than a little while ago, I read the post over on Argentbadger’s blog, The Bovine Overlord featuring his completed Crisis Protocol model of Iron Fist. In much the same way as I followed Argentbadger after seeing his Luke Cage with my own, I’ve also followed his Iron Fist with my version of the model – with of course the requisite several months to get my model painted. (Yes, this model was started in 2023!)

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Iron Fist

I’m honestly not a huge fan of this model. It has that typical overdesigned look that so many of the Crisis Protocol models have, with a convoluted pose flipping over things while in this case connected to the bases with a flimsy and thin piece of weak HIPS plastic “spell effect”.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Iron Fist

Because of this – and the fact that I decided to magnetise the bases of my Crisis Protocol models – because what foam figure case could store these things? – I embedded some debris into his base which serves as a handy-dandy handle to pick the figure up with.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Iron Fist

It’s a little unseemly – and it definitely messes up his cool “Dragon Punch” profile – but with a model this ridiculously fragile, I felt I needed a solution to not have the magnets that save the figure from disintegrating in a foam case just end up causing him to snap in half instead… oh, and I know that fire doesn’t work in the way that the Dragon Punch is painted – it’s magic, okay?

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Iron Fist

Fun Factoid! Until very recently, (basically, when the Netflix show and publicity articles came out) I had always assumed that Iron Fist/Danny Rand was of Asian descent. I mean, Bruce Lee and all, right? Power Man and Iron Fist – A black guy and an Asian guy teaming up to kick arse – it all made sense to me as a kid, and since I never followed the comic and it made sense to me then, I never questioned it after that.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Luke Cage, Power Man and Iron Fist

To be honest, I was a little disappointed to see Iron Fist as just another white guy – probably because I’d always assumed the opposite.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Luke Cage, Power Man and Iron Fist

Anyway – here they are – completed! Together again for the first time in my own collection.