Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners, Part 3 – Complete (Again!)

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners, Hasslefree

Awhile back, I finished (what I thought was) the last set of Zombicide 1st Edition Runners in our collection. That was until we (well, Marouda) found a little cache with more models – including even more of these Runners! Now sometimes finding more models can be great – because “free models”, right? On the other hand, finding another batch of models that you (thought) that you juuuust finished can be …kinda annoying.

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

So what could I do? I just had to knuckle down and paint the damned things. So I did that. And here they are. In terms of interesting shorts and references, I’ve just got two of them this time. The runnr in the top image that’s about to eat Simon Pegg’s cricket bat is based on… Simon Pegg?

Credit to Dave Stone for ponting that one out in the past, and then reminding me. Dave, as it also happens is the gent running the Apocalypse Me painting challenge for November, which these Zombies will qualify for.

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie RunnersThere’s one other reference on the back of that Runner’s hoodie jacket. Look closely…

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

Yep, he may have taken off his pants but hasn’t yet done so for his jacket. It’s a little rough, but it shows I’ll be able to replicate that particular logo on a model I care a bit more about down the line.

And that gives me another 10 zombies done – and finally all of my standard (First Edition) Runners. One other thing that stands out a bit with this batch is the amount of palette-sharing between models. I don’t think this will be an issue as once I’ve got my monthly round-up photo taken, these 10 will be mixed in with the other 2 dozen-odd runners, making them seem much less repetitive.

Now I’ll have to get started on the Toxic Runners shortly, but I have a few other Zombies I’ve gotten painted in October, so stay tuned for the next post with my last few Zomb-tastic odds and ends condensed into one post before the round-up!

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak – Berserker Walkers Pt.2: The Wardens

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Walker Wardens

It’s been a little while since my last post. As predicted, October has been a pretty brutally busy time at work – as it is every year. As a result, my grand plans to paint Orcs/Orks and Tanks and a few Dreadnoughts for painting challenges have fallen by ther wayside. Not helped of course by hurting my wrist last weekend moving bikes around, so not much painting there either. It also means less time for reading blogs, but c’est la vie.

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Walker Wardens

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Walker Wardens

I have finally managed to complete the last batch of Berserkers from the Zombicide 1st Edition Season 2, Prison Outbreak standalone expansion. These ones being the Prison Warders – or the Prison Guards, or the Screws – so that’s a nice thing. I looked up various Prison Guard uniform types on the Google machine, and found that the various Australian ones look too similar to Police (blue uniforms), the British ones look like nothing in particular (they could be public transport workers!) with dark pants and white shirts and so I went with a made-up grey/green-grey scheme with a yellow pants stripe. It’s a bit “U.S. Sherriff-y”, but it gets the whole Uniform look across without looking too much like Zombie Cops. I also painted in a little shield-shaped patch to their shoulders and caps.

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Walker Wardens Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Walker Wardens

As with all of my other Berserkers, I’ve painted the carapace growths with a spotted “lobster red” look rather than the pale, off-white from the artwork. This, along with the yellow line marking stripes on the ground are to help them stand out as Berserkers in-game, and to unify these Warders with the Prisoners in their bright orange jumpsuits. We’re currently replaying our way through the campaign and still have about 4 scenarios left to play, so we’ll actually be completing the run with all of the berserkers painted. I should do a photoshoot with all of the painted Berserkers, probably. Unfortunately, there’s still a million regular walkers (somewhere around 60) to paint, and so a fully-painted table is still something that will elude us for some time.

Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Walker Wardens Zombicide 1st Edition, Season 2: Prison Outbreak - Berserker Walker Wardens

As always, I leant hard into using multiple skin tones for these models to give variation. It’s especially important if you want them to look slightly less like clones when you have 14 models with only two sculpts. I mean, they atill all basically look the same on the table, but that little bit of variety makes them look a little more varied, even unconsciously. The next models I’m trying to get through are… yes! – More zombies. I know they’re not everyone’s cup of tea, but we’re actually actively playing Zombicide right now, so they’re going to see use on the table much more quickly (and often) than Space Marines or Orks or Sigmarites or whatever.

They do still make another entry for Dave Stone’s Apocalypse Me painting challenge running in October!