A Trio of Classic Kev Adams Citadel Greenskins

Just as with the dwarves I’ve slowly been cranking out, I’ve been trying to keep a few old-school goblinoids on my painting plate. I’ve tended to choose them based on the criteria of how easy they look like they would be to get painted, so simple clothing and/or lots of armour drives them to the top of the list when I browse my box of metal greenskins.

C12 Goblin, Oldhammer Orcs, Kev Adams

The orc on our left is one from that crossover period between WHFB2nd and 3rd editions. A Kev Adams sculpt with the fetching identifier of “Orcs with Dual Weapons 05”. Despite his rather awkward posing, it’s a decent model. I used some ochre brown in the skin mix of the two orcs here in an attempt to start varying the skin tones of these guys a bit. While it (obviously) adds more yellow to the overall look, I’m hopeful that it’s not too garish. I’ve opted to use a metal Foundry Viking shield instead of a plastic, though I’ve kept the design to simply block colour.

C12 Goblin, Oldhammer Orcs, Kev Adams

Speaking of garish… the Goblin is from the C12 range circa the mid-late 1980’s, though I’m not sure of the exact year as the catalogues are spotty from that era.the cast I have here is pretty rough, so it was a matter of doing the best I could within a reasonable amount of effort for a tiny model. It’s a Kev sculpt, but predates his “signature” goblin look, with smaller, tighter facial features and an integral shield rather than a boss for plastic ones. He actually sat in a case half-painted for many years before I noticed him recently and decided to get him done. Which also took awhile…

C12 Goblin, Oldhammer Orcs, Kev Adams

The central model on the 32mm base is the newest of this trio – a 4th Edition Orc listed in the Black Catalogue 4 (1994 filled with 1993 models) as “Orc with Sword 3”, though he’s a bit bigger in stature than his fellow, “Orc with Sword 3” painted awhile ago which is what led to me mounting him onto the larger base. He’s not as big as the actual Big’Uns, but he’s not far off.

…which kind of leads to my question for you, dear reader. While I’ve been working casually on these Fantasy Orcs, With the promise of 8th Edition looming, I’ve also been eyeing off my old-school RT Orks and the more recent 40k Brian Nelson Orcs that I started working on in 2005. (OK, recent is relative). The 40k plastics I mentioned, being larger certainly overhang their 32mm bases, though the “official” size remains 25mm. I feel that they’ll look better on the 32mm bases, just as their classic counterparts, Space Marines do. I’m not yet convinced either way on which way to go – the better aesthetic choice? The “official” choice? Wait and see what conventions on basing that 8th brings on release? At this stage it would not involve a terribly large amount of rebasing. Any thoughts?

Another two Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

I’ve been outside this evening taking some photos of models I’ve finished recently. When I came inside and started moving photos off the camera to crop, I noticed quite a few photos that I’d taken for posts before my little break. So I’m going to share a couple of these first. As it happens, there’s so much stuff between the stuff I still hadn’t shown, game mats to review, and the models I’ve painted in my month off from blogging I’ll have to go back to posting every two days again just to have a chance to get through them! I guess I could post up models 10 at a time or something, but I much prefer to show them in smaller numbers, which is closer to how I actually get things painted – in groups of 1-4 at a time – outside of the occasional whole-unit batch like the BFSP Dwarves or the Spartans from last January.

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

More stripey trousers and swirly tattoos. On one hand, it’s just what I do with Slayers. On the other hand it does get a bit boring after awhile, so I’m tending to try and figure out ways to make them a little different in each pair. Here we have slightly wider and slightly narrower blue stripes than usual. CREATIVITY!

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

As far as the Marauder Slayers go, this pair is pretty good. Not overblown, and enough individuality that each of them is a unique enough character.

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

Once again this pair’s tattoos look a little faded in spots, but they still look nice enough in person.

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

This guy seems a little more aware of his station in life than most of our miniatures…

Having displayed this pair, I’m left with one final Marauder MM16 Slayer to show off. Expect to see it very soon!