Star Wars Shatterpoint Terrain: Crates

Star Wars Shatterpoint Terrain: Crates

A super quick one today – I got Shatterpoint as a pre-order awhile back and given that it’s the Season of Scenery 2023 I spent a little bit of time assembling and painting them. Spray Vallejo Desert Yellow, drybrushed with VMC Buff, washed with dulited Army Painter Strong Tone, then sponge-weathered with dark grey and a few spots of metallic in the bigger chips.

Star Wars Shatterpoint Terrain: Crates

I didn’t make any one side darker with ground-dirt, as they’re the sort of pieces that are very much any side faces up/down/etc on the table. I don’t have any painted Shatterpoint models yet, so scale is provided by the (presumably) similarly slightly oversized Captain USA, Skullface, Primaris Man and Berkeley.