Terminator Genisys – T-800 Endoskeletons (River Horse/Warlord Games)

River Horse Teminator Genisys Plastic T-800 Endoskeletons, Endoskeleton Crawlers

Recently I found and painted up a bunch of “Nightmares” from the long-OOP game Legions of Steel that I’d had stored in various boxes of random figures since the 1990’s. Clearly these models were inspired by James Cameron’s Terminator films, and given that I recently purchased some Terminator Genisys starter sets from Warlord Games when they were on deep Black Friday discount (because rofl@£70.00), I figured I should paint up some of the actual figures. The Resistance figures don’t excite me all that much, so I’ll likely not start on those until all of the Machines are done.

River Horse Teminator Genisys Plastic T-800 Endoskeletons

Right-handed T-800 Endoskeletons…

I set some of the Endos aside to work out weapon swaps a bit later, and just decided to knock out a set worth as stock figures. If need be, I can run Imperial Guardsmen, etc as Resistance if I want to learn and play the game in the meantime, but let’s be realistic, that’s not happening anytime soon.

River Horse Teminator Genisys Plastic T-800 Endoskeletons

Left-handed T-800 Endoskeletons…

I painted these using the same methods as the Nightmares so they share the same palette and will fit in nicely alongside one another. As originally considered, the Nightmares can act as T-600s/Prototype Endos in the Terminator game, and the T-800 Endoskeletons can join the Nightmares as Iron Warriors cultists as needed – more abominations courtesy of the Dark Mechanicum. I also added a few skulls to some of their bases because Terminator.

River Horse Teminator Genisys T-800 Plastic Endoskeleton Crawlers

“Crawler” T-800 Endoskeletons.

I also knocked out 5 “crawlers” using the same methods. Not sure what they’ll be used for outside of the Terminator Genisys game, but hey, they were easy to paint and they add another 5 models to my completed numbers for the YTD.

River Horse Teminator Genisys Plastic T-800 Endoskeletons, Endoskeleton Crawlers, Legions of Steel Nightmares

Legions of Steel Nightmares provide T-600/Prototype support to their T-800 Endoskeleton brethren.

River Horse Teminator Genisys Plastic T-800 Endoskeletons, Endoskeleton Crawlers, Legions of Steel Nightmares, Iron Warriors Chaos Space Marines

T-800 Endoskeletons and Legions of Steel Nightmares as Iron Warrior’s Chaos Cultists.

Legions of Steel Nightmares – aka: Not-Terminators from the 1990’s

Legions of Steel Nightmares

One of each sculpt.

I have to admit, I couldn’t remember what these things were called and so it took literally minutes of playing internet detective to figure out what the game these things are from was called (and what they are). Armed only with “(illegible) games, 1992” on the bottom of their integral metal bases, google, wikipedia and BGG, I figured it out. Hooray!

Legions of Steel Nightmares

The first of not all that many…

I bought these figures back in the ’90s for a few reasons. None of which had anything to do with Legions of Steel. 1) On sale. 2) Because Terminators. And most importantly, 3) They came in little miniatures carrying cases with foam inside. So naturally, I used the cases for a few years, the figures all got shunted into bits boxes, and that was that. I gave the cases away a year or two ago, (I think?) to Tarmor. At some point I found one of them and quickly painted it up, because let’s face it – how hard could it be? Had no idea where the rest of them were, though.

Thanks, oh Noble Knight, for your image. Have a link to your product in return.

So sometime last year while cleaning up some bits boxes – around the same time as I found and repainted that Judge Dredd RTB01 Space Marine – I found the “Nightmares”. Since I first found out that they’re called that literally 2 minutes before starting this post, I’m just going to call them Terminators from here on in. Anyway, I found the Terminators, and bundled them into a zip-lock bag alongside the tiny number of (licenced) Aliens miniatures I have from the same era. And then put them away in one of my Unpainted Miniatures Storage Cases. And promptly forgot about them until a few days ago, while attempting to tidy up the room where I keep all that crap, I bumbled onto them, sharing space with a bunch of Mantic models.

Legions of Steel Nightmares

The Shiny Dozen.

This being my Summer break from work, and as I’m now getting in some good paint time, I brought them out, lost them, found them again and then painted them from Spray to Varnish to Flock in less than 3 days – most of which was drying time. So now I have a unit of 12… well. I can use them as Terminators in the Terminator Genisys game I picked up on sale during Black Friday. I understand it’s supposed to be quite a good game, but hampered by being massively overpriced for what you get in the box, and an expensive licence that seriously underperformed in the wider market, with the height of it’s popularity being, you know… 25-odd years ago. Still, when it was on sale for £20 I decided to grab it. Also, free rules if anyone wants to try it out.

Failing that I could use them as Necrons in 40k… I just picked up their Start Collecting set, and will probably grab a second one before too long. Or… as Cultists for my Iron Warriors? Hmm….

Legions of Steel Nightmares

Their likely future. As cannon fodder for the Iron Warriors.