Marvel United: Jessica Jones and Callisto

Marvel United: Jessica Jones and Callisto

Yep, we’re doing this again. So here we are one more time again. Jessica Jones and Callisto. Why not have them combined into the same post with the last pair? Fair question – it’s because they’re for different games, and this way it’s much easier for me to search out specific models. Basically the same paint colour schemes here, except Jessica has changed her grey t-shirt for a white one. Why? Matching the card art for the two games, mostly – and because a change of t-shirt doesn’t matter or really add a lot to the time or difficulty of painting a model in the same costume/clothing. It certainly helped both of these ladies get to the front of the paint queue in that there were only two models for each character for me to paint – nothing for Crisis Protocol yet, nor any Zombie versions.

Marvel United: Jessica Jones and Callisto

Something that’s pretty amusing is that in Marvel Zombies, Callisto is a Bystander – an NPC who is effectively an equipment card, and not a playable character. In Marvel United, she’s an enemy boss. A character that 2-4 players have to team up against in an attempt to defeat her. Same character, wildly different power levels and we’ve lost to her in the past as a MU boss character. We haven’t played with Jessica in MU yet, so not sure what she’s like, though she is an absolute beast in MZ (she took out Zombie Hulk, Wasp and Cap when we played on Saturday night)

Marvel United: Jessica Jones, Luke Cage Power Man, Iron Fist, The Punisher

I realised when I was taking the photos that Jessica has several Netflix peers painted, so I thought a small group shot was in order. No timeframe on Daredevil or Elektra getting painted yet, though!

8 thoughts on “Marvel United: Jessica Jones and Callisto

  1. Excellent work on the pair mate, and are equal to the Marvel zombie ones you showed yesterday. I believe Callisto has had a live action appearance in the series the gifted, which also has the Morlocks in it.

    Keith has put up the registration post for Monster May(hem) as well.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks Dave – I haven’t seen the Gifted, but then I’m way behind on my TV show viewing in general.

      Unfortunately Keith has his blog settings set to close comments VERY quickly so I’m unable to sign up (it probably kills his community engagement in general as well!)

      Liked by 2 people

  2. DAREDEVIL! DAREDEVIL! DAREDEVIL! C’mon, you can’t post the fake Defenders without a pic of DD! 😉

    Nice work again on these. I will say Jessica has an odd “Karen” look to her face. But you still painted it beautifully!

    Liked by 2 people

    • These chibi-type faces are a bit of a bitch to paint, to tell you the truth – they (especially the female ones) suffer from the anime-problem of all looking VERY similar to each other, with the hair, clothing, etc being the difference makers. I guess a lot of comic-drawn and even miniature faces are the same, but at this larger size the sameness stands out even more. The female faces are harder/worse since they also generally require make up (blush, lips, eyeshadow) as well, so you’re often blending some stark colour shifts in there. bleugh!

      DD’s main issue is that he’s a character that has 2 Marvel Zombies, one for Marvel United, and an overly-complicated and fragile Marvel Crisis Protocol figure (which is the REAL enthusiasm-killer!) 😮

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I like the format of doing the same heroes for Marvel United and Marvel Zombicide. Its cool to compare them. I agree with Faust below that Jessica Jones doesn’t look as good with a chibi face. She’s a hard-boiled and down on her luck kind of superhero after all! That doesn’t take away from your excellent painting though. I love to see the group shot at the end too! The Defenders are looking great so far!

    Liked by 3 people

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