Rogue Trader: 4204 Adeptus Mechanicus Squat Tech Priest – WD111 (Mar 89)

Oldhammer Warhammer 40,000, 40k, Rogue Trader: 4204 Adeptus Mechanicus Squat Tech Priest - WD111 (Mar 89)

What’s that? Squats are back and going to be popular? I’d better get to painting some, then! Actually, that’s not in any way how this happened. This poor little fellow has been bouncing around between various storage locations, part-painted since the early 1990’s, and I did eye him off the other week and decide that he’d be a nice model to just finally get painted. I had pried him off the old flocked base I glued him to and given him a new one with texture paint a few months ago, but I hadn’t touched the model’s paint. As such, I simply continued the original colour scheme I’d planned for him so many years ago, though originally the red was just a bit brighter and I doubt I’d have used teal in those days.

Oldhammer Warhammer 40,000, 40k, Rogue Trader: 4204 Adeptus Mechanicus Squat Tech Priest - WD111 (Mar 89)

This model is one I’ve had for a very long time, and is one of the remaining vestiges of the Squat detatchment that was part of my first Imperial Army/Guard force, that I sold as a teen to get the cash to buy my first Amiga Computer.

It’s not something I regret as such, as I got a lot of use and enjoyment out of that computer, as well as it having probably been an important part of what has gotten me to my current professional position, but you fucking bet I wish I could get hold of those models again today.



Realm of Chaos – Citadel Beastman Bray Shaman, Brayherd Beastmen Gors (Michael Perry, 1995-6)

Citadel Beastman Bray Shaman, Brayherd Beastmen Gors (Michael Perry, 1995-6)

Funny how some models look dated quickly, and some sculpts endure, isn’t it? My models today were sitting here half-painted for several years, got restarted recently in a failed attempt to complete more models for Roger from Under the Wargames Table‘s recent “Mo’vember” painting challenge and then re-restarted after playing a bit of Vermintide II over the Christmassy break. I’ve always loved Michael Perry’s line of goat-headed beastman/beastmen models, initially sculpted and released in the mid-1990’s. That Bray Shaman still holds up really well today, I think – all the more for the fact that he’s not balancing on one leg on a tactical rock, thrusting a staff towards the heavens with sculpted flames coming out of his …nose.

Citadel Beastman Bray Shaman, Brayherd Beastmen Gors (Michael Perry, 1995-6)

I can only say it’s both a shame and a wonder that I haven’t painted more of these models, whether it’s the old-school metals, the more recent plastics (a pair of “eBay rescue repaints” seen here), or the newset Age of Sigmar versions that have come out alongside releases for things Like Warhammer Underpants: Beastgrave and the like. Something I’ll really have to rectify in 2022, I reckon. Oh, I also forgot to paint in the eyeball gems on the staff-hand-skull. I’ve since fixed that! These models are also submitted within the window for Dave Stone’sPaint What You Got challenge. Something definitely worth checking out and participating in if you’re interested in giving the extra motivation of a low-stress painting challenge a go!

Finally, I’d also like to take the opportunity to dedicate this post to Rodor and, um D’Rodor Jr, of the blog Rodorhammer, as they are both fans of the Beastmans and their recent post on Christmas Beastmen (or Beastmen for Christmas?) combined with the whole Vermintide II thing and helped motiovate me to get these three completed in the days following Christmas! Saluti, compagni!