Conan’s 3D Scenery Adventure Pack …finished

Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack

Conan’s 3d Scenery Pack – Complete!

Remember back in January 2017 when I finished some barrels from the Conan scenery pack?

Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack Barrels

…and here are Conan’s Barrels.

…and then a short while later. In December 2018 (only a short 2 years there) when I finished the Chests from the same pack?

Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack Chests

Conan Kickstarter Adventure Pack

Well here we are in July 2020 (a mere 18 months later) and I’ve spotted the box sitting in a pile on the floor and wondered what my damn fool problem was, and then smashed them out over a couple of days. Now, while these were not on the Tray nor are they part of a game I’m actively playing, I decided that taking a small amount of time while working on other models to finish these and throw the box into the recycling was a worthwhile trade-off and justification. So I did that.

Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack Sarcophagus


Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack Skull Piles

Skull Piles!

Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack Tanning Hide Rack

Tanned Hide – Furry Side!

Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack Tanning Hide Rack

Tanned Hide – Smooth Side!

I decided against basing any of the pieces aside from the hide tanning rack so they could be more versatile and used as detail scatter terrain in a range of games – and also because I don’t know how they work in the Conan game, which I haven’t yet played. I did base the tanning rack because the model was wonky as fuck and needed to be reset via Hot Water anyway, and so gluing it down to a base gave it a stability it didn’t otherwise have at all.

Monolith Games Conan board game 3D Scenery Adventure Pack

Here’s the new stuff that I just painted, collected. Exciting, eh?

Conan Kickstarter’s “Vanir Valkyrie” (aka Not-Red Sonja)

Conan Kickstarter. Vanir Valkyrie, Red Sonja

Today I have another model from the Conan Kickstarter. Well, the first one, not the current one that’s in the midst of a Pledge Manager clusterfuck. This model is of a character called “Valkyrie”, which implies the Arnie film version of Valeria, except, well the art seems to imply otherwise.

Because, you know, Valkyrie.

Kickstarter Text: A feisty warrior who is in NO WAY RELATED TO ANY CHARACTER YOU MAY KNOW is a character that can be used as both a Hero and an overlord minion!

However, Paolo Parente’s box artwork, seems to indicate someone else. Someone a bit more specific. I’d make a dumb joke about how I’m not sure who, but I already kinda gave it away with the heading. Not that you’d much help to guess who based on the art.

Conan Kickstarter. Vanir Valkyrie, Red Sonja

Like oh-so-many of my models, she was started a decent little while ago. Realistically, it would have been right after I finished the last roughly-human-sized Conan model, since I have a habit of starting a new model that relates to a thing right after finishing one. Which just means I end up with tons of half-painted models, hence my whole Neglected Model drive for the moment. I didn’t realise what was wrong with her leg until I was attempting to complete her a few days ago, when I figured out that she was missing a scabbard for a dagger on her thigh. So, basically, I got a dodgy model and didn’t notice until now. Not much I could do about that, so I went looking in my old bits boxes and found a 1/35 modern military sheathed combat knife and glued it on there, and then painted it up appropriately.

Conan Kickstarter. Vanir Valkyrie, Red Sonja

This model was pretty disappointing in terms of details – it’s basically only a half-steb above the original Bones models in terms of soft, chewing-gum detail. I mean, it’s fine as a boardgame piece, but it’s not what I’d consider a high quality miniature. Look at that awful fur and how soft the cloak is – not to mention her soft-looking NERF cosplay sword! Yeah, this wasn’t a model I wanted to spend extra time getting realistic looking fur. I just wanted to get her done and outta here. I also went with Contrast for the backs of her loincloths. Got them done, and good enough for this model.

Conan Kickstarter. Vanir Valkyrie, Red Sonja

Speaking of cosplay, I went against the box art for her front loincloth and combat bikini top, going with gold instead of fur. If you’re doing the chanmail bikini thing, you may as well go all the way, right? Anyway, she’s done and if I ever get around to playing Conan, she’ll see some tabletop time. Or if we ever need a fantasy chainmail bikini chick for anything else, I guess…