Night Goblin Shaman 075418/4, (Kev Adams, 1995)

Night Goblin Shaman 075418/4, (Kev Adams, 1995), Gloomspite Gitz

I guess I probably have to go through all of my old Night Goblin model popsts and add the Gloomspite Gitz tag. Well, I will at some point, but not today. I also see I need to free a bunch of those posts from those dickholes at Photobucket, so I guess I’ll do both tasks at once.

Night Goblin Shaman 075418/4, (Kev Adams, 1995), Gloomspite Gitz

Flames have been a common motif on models I’ve painted recently, and that’s going to continue for some time – especially as I contonue compleitng models that have been started at various times over the last two or three decades. On this model I went with yellow flames on red cloth, echoing what I did a few months ago with the “Gift Goblin”. I figured that it works for a Shaman, who can do what they want much more than the average grot, and also because I liked how it looked on the other model. Not every Shaman will have this sort of thing, but on some it works nicely to maek them out. I guess I could do the same with purples and a few other colours instead of red and it’ll also look nice.

Anyway, this model took me ages (years) to get through and once again, thanks again to the Tray, it’s done! Yay!

4th Edition WHFB Night Goblin Netter and Clubber

4th Edition WHFB Night Goblin Netter and Clubber Gloomspite Gitz

This pair was painted some and photographed some time ago – July 2015 – but for some reason the post never went up. In the interests of content – and conflict given the Slayers in my last post – here they are!

Like the other Goblins from the era, they’re just this side off of “Oldhammer” to the purists, but as I’ve said before – they’re close enough for me, as they were some of the first models released for 4th edition, during the time that Kev “Goblinmaster” Adams was still the sculptor of all things goblinoid.

4th Edition WHFB Night Goblin Netter and Clubber Gloomspite Gitz

I’ve also given them the flame effect on their robe hoods, in pretty much the same style as I’ve used on my Night Goblin Fanatics. I’m wanting to put together a small Orc & Goblin force for Kings of War using my old metals. I just need to find some appropriate unit entries for the wilder stuff like these guys – not to mention do a hell of a lot of painting!

I’ve got some more of these guys on the boil, so hopefully I’ll have them up here sooner rather than later!