Aenur, Sword of Twilight – The Mordheim Elf

Aenur, Sword of Twilight - The Mordheim Elf

Showing the redone and finalised inner robe.

I’ve still been relatively quiet on the blogging (and interacting with other bloggers) front as of late. Aside from my wrist injury which has now almost fully recovered, work is heading into the end of year madness that won’t stop until a couple of days before Christmas, which has resulted in my heading up to bed around 7pm to watch TV/YouTube videos until I fall asleep not long after on quite a few occasions. Likewise, the three weeks we had without lights downstairs put a bit of a damper on things, and as a result, lots of my spare time has been spent in Destiny’s latest Rise of Iron expansion instead of painting. The local spate of horrendous weather – though not a bar on what some of my friends around the world have had to cope with – has also made things like spraying and even painting impossible for days on end at times.

Aenur, Sword of Twilight - The Mordheim Elf

You can’t see me!

But, I have gotten some things finished. Here is Aenur, Sword of Twilight. AKA “That Mordheim Elf”. I’ve had him since release, and it naturally took quite a few years before I started on him, and then stopped for quite a few. I started him at least 4-6 years ago and probably longer than that – during the brief period where I decided to add the static basing flock to unfinished, unvarnished models for some unfathomable reason.

Aenur, Sword of Twilight - The Mordheim Elf

Being windswept, but not all that interesting from this angle.

I do remember having a mental block on him around the embroidered pattern on the inside of his robe – and that was it! Shoved aside for a good half-decade. He’s been back on my paint desk for over a year now, originally part of the “finishing things off” kick I got onto in the latter half of 2015.

Aenur, Sword of Twilight - The Mordheim Elf

…and inside the robe.

To tell the truth, I’m still not totally satisfied with the patterns on the inner robe, but the addition of some patterns inspired by the triskele combined with vinework create a kind of flowing look that I deemed to be good enough to complete the model with. In the end I decided to paint all three of his gems in red, rather than the green or blue tones I had been considering. There’s something to be said for models that don’t have a spot of red on them, but in this case I think it works – on the outside he wears a cloak of natural tones, with only the brooch and his earring a hint of the elven finery that hides underneath.

Aside from Mordheim, he will of course be able to find use in various fantasy roleplaying and gaming instances – from Pathfinder to any dungeon crawl boardgames – and I’m sure I’ll find somewhere for him to stand in the Elven KoW army.