Citadel WHFB Dwarf Daemon Slayer (1994)

Citadel Daemon Slayer, 1994

Still doing some Dwarves mixed in with everything else at the moment. I’ve managed to finish this guy off a few days ago.

I bought this one along with most of the other metal slayers from eBay a year or so ago, and started him as I was finishing off the first batch that I showed off a week ago. I’m not entirely sure who sculpted him, or his compatriots as he was released after Citadel stopped crediting their sculptors properly and everything became the work of “The Citadel Design Team”. Probably Colin Dixon, since he did many of the post-Perry Dwarves of that era.

Citadel Daemon Slayer, 1994

Much like most of his fellows, I was never fond of this model, as his hair is… ridiculous. A little less ridiculous that most of the Giant Slayers, I guess – as a tall, thin-crested mohawk like this one could exist much more easily than the multi-lane models sported by the Giant Slayers. I’m okay with his tartan pants, but in retrospect, I should have gone with blue, not red as there’s not the colour differentiation that I would have liked. Even allowing for the fact that they’re a little more defined in person. Ah well, I ain’t repainting him!

Citadel Daemon Slayer, 1994

Initially I had him based on a 25mm round, like his cohorts but then decided that he was a little big for it. Since I have a pile of 32mm bases, and I don’t need to worry about WHFB and don’t care what Mantic says about square bases for heroes in KoW (who have no facing anyway) I went with one of the bigger bases. The fact that it makes it a little more SAGA or AoS-friendly is simply by the by.

Citadel Daemon Slayer, 1994

Since this guy is an older veteran of many more campaigns, I tatt’ed him up more heavily than the Giant Slayers. Work on both arms, his back, and (only) one side of his face. Conversely, when I get the Troll Slayers done, they might only have shoulders and maybe some back work done, rather than the number on this guy’s arms of the single sleeves that most of the Giant Slayers have.

4th Edition WHFB Night Goblin Netter and Clubber

4th Edition WHFB Night Goblin Netter and Clubber Gloomspite Gitz

This pair was painted some and photographed some time ago – July 2015 – but for some reason the post never went up. In the interests of content – and conflict given the Slayers in my last post – here they are!

Like the other Goblins from the era, they’re just this side off of “Oldhammer” to the purists, but as I’ve said before – they’re close enough for me, as they were some of the first models released for 4th edition, during the time that Kev “Goblinmaster” Adams was still the sculptor of all things goblinoid.

4th Edition WHFB Night Goblin Netter and Clubber Gloomspite Gitz

I’ve also given them the flame effect on their robe hoods, in pretty much the same style as I’ve used on my Night Goblin Fanatics. I’m wanting to put together a small Orc & Goblin force for Kings of War using my old metals. I just need to find some appropriate unit entries for the wilder stuff like these guys – not to mention do a hell of a lot of painting!

I’ve got some more of these guys on the boil, so hopefully I’ll have them up here sooner rather than later!