Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part Two) – Generators

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack - Generators. Logan, the Wolverine

Here’s the last of September’s minis, sans of course the Monthly Round-Up which will follow in a day or two. We have the next parts of this Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain Pack with this pair of Generators (or something) – one intact and one damaged. Logan here provides us with the scale shot.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack - Generators

As noted in the previous set of these things, this sea-green-grey scheme is my third attempt in getting something I liked. I’ve gone for a rough look on these via drybrushing over zenithal spray, edge highlighting and then the same kind of chipping I apply to my WWII tank models.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack - Generators

Here they are alongside Logan from MCP as well as a couple of models from other well-worn genres. I think the lights would work fine alongside all three scales. I used some Tau decals to emphasis the sci-fi look to them, as well as Irish Air Corps roundels from an old set of decals I have for random markings on things. Shout-out to those of you from Eire and Northern Ireland (yes, I know NI is part of the UK!)

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack - Generators

The point wasn’t to make them Tau proxies, but to simply emphasis their unfamiliar designs with unfamiliar symbols. And hey – if I ever manage to paint and play with my Tau, so much the better, right?

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack - Generators

The biggest trial on these is something that most people won’t have even noticed – I chose to drill out all of the thick, dumb-looking broken cables on this terrain piece and superglue-insert short lengths of actual insulated electrical wire in red/blue/black/white. Trust me, it’s night and day compared to the original castings on these things!

I mean, the whole set looks a little goofy, but I did only pick it up because it was on clearance at less than half price, so if with some different paint and some tiny tweaks I can make a decent looking set of “alien” looking buildings as something to use in games as an alternative to the standard skull-encrusted 40k stuff….

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) – Barriers and Street Lights

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

Through September, I’ve kept working on some of the unfinished projects left over from the Season of Scenery Challenge. Here’s a few smaller parts of the Marvel Crisis Protocol Cosmic Terrain Pack.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

I think these are supposed to be street lights – they “work” for me in that way at least in the same kind of way you’d find interesting lights in a pedestrian mall, so I painted them with an attempt at a glowy manner.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

Here they are alongside Logan from MCP as well as a couple of models from other well-worn genres. I think the lights would work fine alongside all three scales.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

Similarly, the Jersey Barriers work with all three. They’re a bit extra-big and britalist alongside the Post-Apoc model, but still very playable.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

These may have gotten done earlier, but since I hate the official box art colour scheme, I went through three iterations (shiny metallic, standard grey, desert yellow) before settling on this greenish grey look loosely based on my recent Hydra scenery, but more weathered and worn.