WAAAAGH! Pt.28: RT02 Space Orks “Glasnost Brokentooth” and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

RT02 Space Orks "Glasnost Brokentooth" and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

Looks like I’m back after a bit of a hiatus/rest/blogging burnout. We’ll start with posting the last few models of 2023 and then the next couple of posts will be catching up to the present moment of mid-February. So here as have a couple of metal Space Orks from the opening months of Rogue Trader’s release back in 1988. I’d planned to get these done for Orktober 2023 but they got finished in early November. Well, I say finished. I just did the tufts yesterday – but the painting was November so I’ll call these last year’s models because that’s when the hard work was put in.

RT02 Space Orks "Glasnost Brokentooth" and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

I painted them with desert-themed camouflage as well as orangey-brown quilted armour as a nod how I always painted this kind of armour back in the day myself. I’ve still got a fair few of these old classic metals to get painted and they’re definitely in the queue, just not at the front right now. I do look forward to getting all(!) of my old Ork metals painted and finished in 2024. Let’s cross our fingers there…

See you tomorrow with the next bit of catch-up!

Colonel Schaeffer’s Last Chancers – “Fingers” and “Scope”

Colonel Schaeffer's Last Chancers - "Fingers" and "Scope"

It’s been quite a while since I’ve completed any of the Last Chancers, and so I took the opportunity this month to get this pair of models finished and off the desk after having been there for a loong time. One of the two continues the historical aspect of this group of models. “Fingers” here, who appears to from the “Bushmen of Serica” regiment is inspired in my opinion by Australian WWII troops. Lore-wise, “Fingers is an expert forager and petty thief who can get a hold of just about anything for a price.” I guess this is because to an unfortunately large number of people in the UK and US, Australians are all petty criminals who ride Kangaroos to work and dodge man-sized spiders and drop bears on the trip. Much like all Americans wear cowboy hats and walk around with an AR-15 and all Brits wear monocles and walk around with a cup of tea, and all Frenchmen wear those stripey shirts, a beret, a necklace of garlic while halding a baguette, and all Scots are kilt-wearing drunkards… 👀

Colonel Schaeffer's Last Chancers - "Fingers" and "Scope"

Anywho, the second model, “Scope” is a trained sniper and expert marksman. “His crime was going AWOL, for reasons unknown, but it is suspected to be related to the assassination of Chief Arbitrator Abraxtes.” So basically, he’s a sniper who snipes and maybe he sniped someone a bit important. Basically a Tabula Rasa/blank slate. Since he’s a sniper, I gave him a nice camo pattern loosely based on Flecktarn.

Colonel Schaeffer's Last Chancers - "Fingers" and "Scope"

And that’s that for this pair. As a collection of models, Fingers has some rockets in his backpack so he would have originally functioned as a loader model for Rocket Girl, though when these models were released that woul dhave had no actual in-game effects as Heavy Weapon teams were composed of two distinct models, one of which was the gunner with the big gun and the other funcitonally just being a rifleman in the squad. Not sure how that works these days with the multibased weapon teams. I haven’t played 40k for quite some time and Imperial Guard for even longer.

Hopefully it won’t take another 14 months before I get the next pair of these painted! There’s just Rocket Girl, Ox and the Colonel left – so a chance I could get them done before the end of 2023!