#Fembruary 2021 Completed – Bad Squiddo Viking Shieldmaidens & Morgana.

Here’s my final round-up for Alex’s #Fembruary 2021 challenge over on Leadbaloony. 16 Viking Shieldmaidens plus a hero model. All of these are ones I picked up in the Bad Squiddo Shieldmaiden Kickstarter. I enjoyed p[ainting these models. I’ve had them in the back of my mind to work on for some time since I’d all but finished my metal Vikings until I got a pile from this campaign. There were a lot of other models I’d selected and prepared for the Fembruary challenge (almost 40 more models in fact!) I’m sure I’ll get to a lot more of them before next Fembruary, though it’s certainly time for a rest from the vikings for the time being…

There are four more female models that were my original picks for the challenge but although I did work on them, the Vikings ended up taking over. Hopefully I can get them done in March at least. 🙂

Vikings, Tuttugu ok þrír! – Morgana, Forest Healer #Fembruary 2021 (Bad Squiddo Games)

Morgana, Forest Healer. Bad Squiddo Games

OK. my last model from the run of Bad Squiddo Shieldmaidens for Alex’s #Fembruary 2021 challenge over on Leadbaloony. I’ve still got another four models on the painting desk that I’d hoped to finish for thhe challenge – not vikings, and amusingly enough the four models I’d originally intended to get motivaated to finish as they were started in the mid-1990’s and have a fair few games under their belts despite not being completed. I’ll still be trying to finish them this weekend, though they’ll be belated Fembruary models rather than “proper” ones, since I’m sure February can only pushed out so far….

This one is Morgana, Forest Healer, and is a bit more on the fantasy bent than the regular Shieldmaidens I’ve been painting, though even in a historical context there were seers and wise women and the like, so she can fit in there either way. If it’s a fantasy situation, the staff’s eyes are glowing, and if a historical one, then they’re just …painted. 😀