Technical Difficulties….

It never rains, but it pours.

Aside from a bunch of rather nasty family health stuff that I haven’t been writing about here, and getting pretty bloody sick myself (possibly the flu?) and only recovering a week ago, though I still have some niggling issues. My trusty Logitech G500 mouse also died last week after many years of service while I was getting stuck into the repair of my site from the Photobucketpocalypse (paying for WordPress, and moving forum post images to Imgur) and doing my best to keep updating with new content.

So then my main “work” hard drive started to die.

Not my C drive at least, but the one with all of our photos, all of my MP3 files, my Steam & GoG installs, my Humble downloads. Oh, and all of my wargaming and hobby files collected over the last decade or so, as well as my Blog photos for this thing – including all of my archived photos that I was using to rebuild the blog.

I was lucky enough to notice early, since my music the other morning was acting oddly, even after a reboot – and the photos I was working on (cropping and resizing) for the update for a couple of days ago weren’t really saving properly.

The good news is that I do back my stuff up. The bad news is that I do so when I remember, so the last time the gaming and music and photo files were backed up was in 2014 and 2015. I hadn’t realised it was so long ago. So 2 new HDDs later, and I’m in the process of backing my stuff up to the new External drive, and once that’s done, I’ll install the new internal and copy everything across to that as well. Then I can start chasing the dead/unreadable files down (which I’m logging as I go), and doing simple things like getting Steam to check/repair various software installs.

Since I also have to go to work, I see this taking (at least) a week. I’m also typing this on Marouda’s machine since I don’t want to do ANYTHING else but back up files on my own machine. No other apps or programs to distract it from the most important task at hand.

So I’ll still be reading when I can, but I won’t be posting until (my computer at least) is back to normal.

Unless we end up with a bunch of Project-Log WIP posts with photos taken from my phone…?

See you in the comments!


RPE/Ral Partha Europe Launches Dwarf Kickstarter

I rarely pimp Kickstarters. I’ve done it for three counting this one – Impact Miniatures’ not-Blood Bowl campaign (delivered, but a year late). Shieldwolf’s Shieldmaiden campaign (cancelled, and currently relaunched with 5 days to go. And now this one. Simply because I like what they’re doing:

It’s the kind of small-scale, low-risk KS I’m still happy to back. RPE do their own casting, they’re a solvent business who I’ve bought from before and the first five models are already done. Most importantly, I like the models, as I’ve always had a soft sport for Dwarfs, and these are in the overall Citadel style that I like. I need to grab some of the Kev Adams Dwarves from their webstore sometime, too…

RPE’s Kickstarter Dwarfs

Our aim is to produce a warband of 10 dwarves in 28mm scale. They will be sculpted in epoxy putty, moulded in black rubber and cast in metal – miniatures the old school way!

Picture the proud dwarf king in exile, forced from his mountain stronghold. Leading a band of grizzled veterans, they hire their services out, biding their time and amassing gold and followers until the day they can reclaim their homeland. You know the story, it’s the classic excuse to get a dwarf warband together, though this one needs no hobbit or human help and comes complete with its’ own dwarf wizard. Perfect for dungeon bashing and skirmish games, or with the possibility of adding duplicates to your pledge you could even build a small army.

The first 5 sculpts pictured above have been mastered already, the next five will be based on these and will provide another spearman, swordsman, axeman and a pair of crossbowmen. The next sculpts are already in progress and pictures will be added as soon as we have them.
They measure approx 20mm tall and scale well with other miniatures.
Designed and sculpted for us by the talented hands of Mark Evans.

These are the different pledge levels, only the Flagon of Ale level and above qualify for the free assassin dwarf.

1 dwarf of your choice £4 posted add £2 outside UK Wee Dram
1 dwarf king £5 posted add £2 outside UK Half Pint
5 dwarves £14 posted add £2 outside UK Pint
10 dwarves £22 posted add £3 outside UK Early Bird Flagon of Ale
10 dwarves £25 posted add £3 outside UK Flagon of Ale

Army deal- king, wizard, 5 spears, 5 axes, 5 swords, 5 crossbows total 22 +freebies £45 posted add £3 outside UK  Early Bird Pewter Tankard 

Army deal- king, wizard, 5 spears, 5 axes, 5 swords, 5 crossbows total 22 +freebies £50 posted add £3 outside UK  Pewter Tankard

All pledges can add extra miniatures from the list below, each mini has a letter for ease of selection, simply increase your pledged amount by £2.50 for each additional dwarf you want. When we contact you after the kickstarter you can use these letter codes to easily confirm additions.
Any miniatures or extras unlocked – will be added to this list.