D&D ̶M̶o̶n̶s̶t̶e̶r̶ Manual 41/Small Scenics: Mantic Terrain Crate Dark Lord’s Tower “Trap Tiles”

Mantic Terrain Crate Dark Lord's Tower "Trap Tiles"

More from Mantic’s Terrain Crate Kickstarter today – a bunch of dungeon “trap” tiles, which would predominantly be used for for roleplaying games like D&D and the like, but also could be used in a few boardgames in place of various card markers. From left to right, we have what I’m calling “blade trap”, “floor spikes”, “bear trap”, “poison gas” and “trap door”. Trapdoor being more of a terrain feature than a trap, but hey – close enough, modelwise anyway.

Mantic Terrain Crate Dark Lord's Tower "Trap Tiles"

With the three types that do physical hurties to their victims, after finishing and weathering I left one set plain with a bit of dirty brown, I then added fresh blood to the next using Citadel’s Blood for the Blood God (aka acrylic clear red paint) and then one of each stained with old blood, which I mixed up using Vallejo Model Colour Woodgrain with Vallejo Model Wash Dark Rust for that kinda rusty red-brown colour that old bloodstains become.

Mantic Terrain Crate Dark Lord's Tower "Trap Tiles"

The Poison Gas and Trapdoor tiles didn’t have as much variation – just a little crated by the brown dirt weathering powders.

Mantic Terrain Crate Dark Lord's Tower "Trap Tiles"

To finish, here’s a simulated “Action Shot” using the Ravenloft D&D board game tiles and showing some adventurers just getting screwed in multiple ways by the damned Adventure cards in that game… by the look of the number of traps and monsters, it’s almost turn two…

And in finishing these I’ve also got another set of 15 tokens that will also count towards Dave Stone’s Winter of Scenery Challenge!

Sector Mechanicus #5: Alchomite Stack Machinery

Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack Machinery

Another piece of Sector Mechanicus Scenery today – another piece of the Alchomite Stack kit that I’ve previously built some pieces from. Though, honestly a lot of my early kits from these ranges are just a pile of sprues and bits in a box at this point! (and GW keeps recycling them into new “kits” such as the rest of the range, Kill Team and so on…

Anyway, this one was built some time ago – at the same time as the three completed ones linked above (and also the same time as the two more I haven’t started working on besides a prime and coat of silver spray!) So it’s been sitting in the shed for well over a year, pretty much ignored. On the heels of the Thermic Plasma Conduits (aka, PIPES) I finished the other day, I decided to work on this alongside the second set. So I could, y’know, link the pipes to some actual machinery. With that in mind, I’m going to wait until I’ve got a bit more assembled and painted and finished before doing another tabletop layout type pic of them.

Sector Mechanicus Alchomite Stack Machinery

I didn’t use the “crackle paint” method on this one that I did on the previous ones; instead trying a couple of new(ish) things with stippling, foam and thinned paint for much of the weathering. That’s the cool thing about industrial terrain – you can vary your methods and as long as it looks good, it doesn’t need to be entirely consistent from piece to piece since rust and industrial decay have many forms in the real world. And yes, it’s another piece for (and plug for) Dave Stone’s Winter of Scenery Challenge!