WAAAAGH! Pt.28: RT02 Space Orks “Glasnost Brokentooth” and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

RT02 Space Orks "Glasnost Brokentooth" and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

Looks like I’m back after a bit of a hiatus/rest/blogging burnout. We’ll start with posting the last few models of 2023 and then the next couple of posts will be catching up to the present moment of mid-February. So here as have a couple of metal Space Orks from the opening months of Rogue Trader’s release back in 1988. I’d planned to get these done for Orktober 2023 but they got finished in early November. Well, I say finished. I just did the tufts yesterday – but the painting was November so I’ll call these last year’s models because that’s when the hard work was put in.

RT02 Space Orks "Glasnost Brokentooth" and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

I painted them with desert-themed camouflage as well as orangey-brown quilted armour as a nod how I always painted this kind of armour back in the day myself. I’ve still got a fair few of these old classic metals to get painted and they’re definitely in the queue, just not at the front right now. I do look forward to getting all(!) of my old Ork metals painted and finished in 2024. Let’s cross our fingers there…

See you tomorrow with the next bit of catch-up!

Rogue Trader: 4204 Adeptus Mechanicus Squat Tech Priest – WD111 (Mar 89)

Oldhammer Warhammer 40,000, 40k, Rogue Trader: 4204 Adeptus Mechanicus Squat Tech Priest - WD111 (Mar 89)

What’s that? Squats are back and going to be popular? I’d better get to painting some, then! Actually, that’s not in any way how this happened. This poor little fellow has been bouncing around between various storage locations, part-painted since the early 1990’s, and I did eye him off the other week and decide that he’d be a nice model to just finally get painted. I had pried him off the old flocked base I glued him to and given him a new one with texture paint a few months ago, but I hadn’t touched the model’s paint. As such, I simply continued the original colour scheme I’d planned for him so many years ago, though originally the red was just a bit brighter and I doubt I’d have used teal in those days.

Oldhammer Warhammer 40,000, 40k, Rogue Trader: 4204 Adeptus Mechanicus Squat Tech Priest - WD111 (Mar 89)

This model is one I’ve had for a very long time, and is one of the remaining vestiges of the Squat detatchment that was part of my first Imperial Army/Guard force, that I sold as a teen to get the cash to buy my first Amiga Computer.

It’s not something I regret as such, as I got a lot of use and enjoyment out of that computer, as well as it having probably been an important part of what has gotten me to my current professional position, but you fucking bet I wish I could get hold of those models again today.