Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: Cthulhu & The Mummy

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: Cthulhu & The Mummy

It’s again been a good while since I’ve finished any of my Zombicide Abominations, and so in September I forced myself to finish a couple of the models that had been sitting on the desk since the end of the Monster-themed challenge months. Sure, I could have finished them in October for Apocalypse Me, but it’s not like I’ve got any shortage of other qualifying models to get painted, right? 😮

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: Cthulhu

Cthulhu was actually the second one of these to be completed, as The Mummy was much further along – but since when does Cthulhu give second billing to anyone?

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: Cthulhu

For Cthulhu I once again more-or-less followed the cues from the official artwork. The “something-under-thin-translucent-skin” effect of it’s head was something new for me to try and play with, so that suited me as well, and added a nice splash of colour to a model that could just be painted nothing but green and fit into Guru PIG’s Venn Diagram.

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: Cthulhu

I also ran with the contrasting colours much more than indicated in the artwork (stomach and wings) by continuing to add more warm tones through the palms of Cthulhu’s hands, elbows, and then some glazing elsewhere on the body, shoulders, etc. I also extended the cold tones from the head-sac further down the head. And of course, more blue veins on thick appendages! 😮

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: Cthulhu

Both of these models were sculpted by Jason Hendriks, who maintains a blog sharing his WIP progress on many of his models, including Cthulhu and often some design thoughts.

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: The Mummy

The Mummy was a fairly straigtforward model to paint, if a little busy with the bandages loosely draped over the mummified flesh underneath.

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: The Mummy

With The Mummy, I took the cue of grey flesh, but just went with whatever felt like it worked after that as far as colours go. As long as the model matches the art broadly, I’m good, and we’re not overrun with overized mummies.

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: The Mummy

Once again, Jason has an entry for The Mummy where he mentions that CMoN didn’t particularly want an Egyptian theme to this model – which explains the more ragged appearance of this sculpt.

Zombicide 2nd Edition Abominations: Cthulhu & The Mummy, Zombicide Brad Clint Eastwoord Dirty Harry, Reaper Miniatures 50153 Berkeley Zombie Survivor

As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, I do like the way that they leaned into various cryptids and other mythologies and mythos for a bit of a different flavour to these stretch goal abominations. It certainly gives you more of an interesting variety of models to paint. Berkeley and Not-Clint here provide scale reference for both of these A-Bombs – as you can see, they’re hefty models for this particular game and put the regular zombies to shame!

Massive Darkness: Earth Elemental

Massive Darkness: Earth Elemental

My final completed model for June this year is this Earth Elemental from the Massive Darkness boardgame’s “Enemy Box: Elementals” expansion. I started this one at least a year ago (maybe two?) and restarted it at least once due to not being happy at all with how it was looking.

Massive Darkness: Earth Elemental

I also didn’t manage to get it finished for either Monster March or Monster MayHem this year, but I managed to pluck the part-painted thing up after those last couple of Cthulhu minis and just got it done.

Massive Darkness: Earth Elemental

It’s actually a pretty nice model (I think) and it can find use in a few different games should the need arise. It’s certainly a lot nicer looking than either the triangle-head or beak-face D&D-style of elemental minis out there, and could probably fit into either a Wood Elf/Sylvaneth force (or whatever the KoW equivalent is called) as a Nature Spirit or even an Orc force as the Rogue Idol’s lil’ bro.

Massive Darkness: Earth Elemental

It’s certainly a lot nicer looking than either the triangle-head or beak-face D&D-style of elemental minis out there, and could probably fit into either a Wood Elf/Sylvaneth force (or whatever the KoW equivalent is called) as a Nature Spirit or even an Orc force as the Rogue Idol’s lil’ bro.

Massive Darkness: Earth Elemental, Reaper Miniatures 50153 Berkeley Zombie Survivor

Here’s Berkeley for the size comparison – this one is actually a bit smaller (I think) than it initially appears. That’s why we have Berkeley, though!