RR18 – Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers’ Standard and Musician (Nick Lund, 1985)

RR18 – Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers’ Standard and Musician (Nick Lund, 1985), Oldhammer Citadel Miniatures

Here we have the only two of the Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers that I managed to paint over the years, since purchasing them back in the late 1980’s. The motivation for painting them was actually my Blood Bowl team (Da Blak Flag) – which then became the name of my Orc Army/Tribe. Hence there’s a bit of appropriate iconography on his Black Flag.

RR18 – Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers’ Standard (Nick Lund, 1985), Oldhammer Citadel Miniatures

RR18 – Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers’ Standard (Nick Lund, 1985), Oldhammer Citadel Miniatures

Aside from obviously rebasing them onto 32mm round bases from their previous 25mm squares, there’s been a little bit of touch up. Dulling down some of the excessive colour, as I did some time ago with my other Regiment of Renown unit – Golfag’s (Golgfag’s) Ogres. Note the ogres also have the Black Flag iconography, since my Ogres were originally bought and painted to be part of the Orcish army. The slightly awkward twin moons on the top of the banner were originally painted in yellow – you know, how most Orc & Goblin moons are painted in that stylised manner. Unfortunately, they looked like a pair of bananas awkwardly perched on top of the banner. I repainted them in a silver-grey, though a beaten copper could also have looked good and appropriate. The skulls were also repainted from an overly-dark yellow-brown.

RR18 – Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers’ Standard and Musician (Nick Lund, 1985), Oldhammer Citadel Miniatures

RR18 – Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers’ Standard and Musician (Nick Lund, 1985), Oldhammer Citadel Miniatures

The musician with cymbals had similar treatment – overly bright pants toned down, and a bit of edge highlighting added to his instruments.

RR18 – Eeza Ugezod’s Mother Crushers’ Standard and Musician (Nick Lund, 1985), Oldhammer Citadel Miniatures, Kev Adams, Perry Twins, Marauder Miniatures

I thought I’d throw in a group shot of all the orcs I’ve completed recently. Not quite an army, or even a proper unit for Kings of War yet, but a reasonable little gang so far, and there’s enough here to cause a little bit of bother using the AoS rules. I should dig out the rest of the Mother Crushers and get them painted, I guess. So much to paint, though…

Two more Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

As I steam (or limp) towards the end of my collection of metal slayers, we have two of the last four Marauder ones – unless I find more in a baggie or box that have been there for years or buy some more off eBay in that never-ending search for “at least one of each sculpt”.

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

I think I might have gone a little too faded on the tattoos on this pair, particularly Mr.Redstripes.

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

The second model seems a little goofy to me. Goofier than normal, then. Or worse proportions than normal. Still, put him in a crowd or view him from standing-gamer height and he looks fine.

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

I gave his kilt (or short skirt) the same tartan that Rowdy Roddy Piper used in his heel heyday against Hulk Hogan during the first Wrestlemania. I’ve used it before on a WarZone figure that I evidently never photographed – I’ll have to fix that shortly. Anyway, it’s simple and effective from a distance. Probably the reason that Hot Rod used it back in the day.

Marauder MM16 Dwarf Slayers

And here’s the pair of them. One more pair to go and the Marauder Slayers are done! Then it’s full-pelt into the ’93-94 Giant Slayers, then the character models, then the AoW characters, then…. well, that’s still to be decided…