Aethiopian Pegasi – or Winged Unicorn.

While trying to find the proper name for this thing, I found a link that describes it as an ancient Greek beast, which makes some sense. Regardless, this miniature is an old Grenadier Miniatures figure, that luckily remains in availability via Mirliton these days. I’m not sure who the sculptor is, as I can’t find that info anywhere. I painted this figure as a gift to my wife, and according to the message I painted on the base, I finished it on 17th Nov, 1996. Nothing like that to make me feel old!

Grenadier Miniatures Mirilton Winged Unicorn Aethiopian Pegasi

Grenadier Miniatures Mirilton Winged Unicorn Aethiopian Pegasi

Grenadier Miniatures Mirilton Winged Unicorn Aethiopian Pegasi

A couple of Dwarves…

Just a quick update tonight. A couple of quite old Dwarves from Games Workshop/Citadel – back from the 1980’s. They’re equipped with Marauder Miniatures shields, which date from the 1990’s. I’ve still got a small box of those, packed away in a larger box inside a room full of boxes. One day I’ll unpack it all…

These were painted about 10-15 years ago, back in the 40k 2nd-Ed Era (WHFB4?), and so their shield rims were bright yellow as were their belts. As I’m really not a WHFB player at all these days, and I prefer skirmish games and painting my models for display as much as gaming – along with my recent Boardgame kick, I fished these out of a box of finished figures, rebased them (still need to add some flock), and repainted the shield rims, metal of their hammers and also changed their belts from yellow to tan.

Lately, these guys have been getting some action in the D&D-style boardgames my group has been playing, as I generally prefer a lot of my GW figures to the D&D plastic sculpts – particularly for character models. (Ravenloft, etc) I’ll try and get pics of those figures up soon, but I’d like to get some more painted first. One pic with flash, one without!