Happy New Year 2015!

Just a short post here for the New Year. Firstly, a Happy New Year to those who read this blog.

Secondly, a bit of an update on the state of my miniature painting and hobby work, since it’s been dark for some time now.

Leonard is now a requirement of my New Year posts.

I haven’t painted a thing since the start of October, and have had very little desire to do so. A mixture of painting burnout, work requirements cranking up massively as always from October to December, fatigue, and an increasing amount of annoyance at things like Kickstarters (especially Mantic’s rolling incompetence in getting KS order fulfilment right) – along with new consoles renewing my interest in electronic entertainment and looking into older games in the backlog – and not actually having done any wargaming in months now all combined to put the wargaming stuff on hiatus.

So I’ve been writing up some videogaming reviews for something different, and in some cases, enjoying the act of writing more than the games themselves which is a bit of an indictment on the quality of some of those videogame releases.

While I was well on my way to completing my goal of finishing 365 figures this year, the final quarter and burnout stopped me dead in my tracks. For 2015, my goal(s) will be firstly to beat this year’s output, and secondly hopefully hit that 365 – which is only going to be possible via batch painting units and scenery to balance out the character models and such that I’ll take more time on. And yes, I count repaints, touch-ups an rebasing older figures to today’s standards to be “finishing” figures.

Tanks for the Memories, 2014. Also, for the awful pun!

Here’s what I got finished this year. Many of these made it to the blog, but quite a few didn’t – particularly the Gondor figures, which I intend to share in unit form once the army is more complete. No links to specific entries, but I’ve thrown in a few semi-random shots of some of this year’s graduates.

Jan ???
3 SWM Orange Plastic Jersey Barriers
5 SWM Hesco Barriers

Jan 22:
30 DUST Zombies

Jan 31:
Bones Treeman

Feb 1:
3 DUST Quonset huts

Feb 2:
2 DE Reaper Bolt Throwers

Feb 3:
10 WarZone Zombies
5 sets of Barrels finished (3)

Feb 6:
4 Statues (updated)

Feb 7:
2 Trapdoors (completed)
Tank Turret Scenery
Rolled Ute Scenery

March 1:
7 Dryads
6 Tombstones (scenery)

March 2:
Resin Crypt
Resin Large Grave
2 Warhammer Siege Ladders
Warhammer Siege Ram
Warhammer Siege Wheelbarrow
Resin sewer grate (Helm’s Deep!)
Armorcast 2-storey ruined brick building

An ogre musician proudly displays his increasingly popular “sea urchins”.

March 8:
1 Set of Barrels
2 individual WHS Barrels
2 Tool Boxes
1 Wheeled Battering Ram.
1 WHS Bucket

March 9:
2 WHS Buckets
WHS Stone Dropper
Resin WarZone/Chaos Throne
Resin Porticullus
1 Tool Box
8 Flesh Hounds (touch-ups, bases, finishing)

March 10 or thereabouts:
2 Metal barrels

April 19:
6 Ogres (rebased, touched up)
4 Mummies (rebased)

April 26:
26 Men of Gondor (touch-ups, flocking bases)

May 18:
5 Gondor Archers
1 Ghoul/Zombie (rebased, touched up)

May 23:
11 Orcs (rebased, touched up)

May 24:
3 Undead (rebased, touched up)
1 Orc (rebased, touched up)
1 Wardancer (rebased, touched up)
1 Gladiator (rebased, touched up)

I ain’t easy… you know the song.

May 26:
1 Orc Musician (rebased, touched up)
1 Orc (rebased, touched up)
2 Goblin Fanatics (rebased, touched up)
2 Goblins (rebased, touched up)
1 Goblin Musician (rebased, touched up)
2 Swordsmen of Gondor

May 27:
1 Dwarven Slayer (rebased, touched up)
1 Dwarf Champion (rebased, touched up)

May 31:
1 Dwarf Warrior
1 Female Adventurer
5 Gondor Spearmen

June 1:
2 Gondor Captains
1 Space Adventurer (highlights)

June 2:
3 crates

July 3:
Cthulhu Statue
2 Goblin Squig Hoppers (finish/touch-up)
Dark Angels Dreadnought

That Dreadnought. This is him.

July 14:
11 Gondor Scouts
1 Rackham Scenery

July 21:
9 Gondor Scouts

July 22:
9 Landmines
3 Adobe Buildings

August 3:
9 Gondor Bowmen

August 4:
6 Minefield Signs

August 20:
6 Bones Skeleton Archers
1 Skeleton Repaint

August 25:
Ogre Thug Mod & repaint
Necromancer touch up rebase
Army of the Dead Standard

August 26:
6 Gondor Warmachine Crew
12 Gondor Archers

Have I mentioned Gondor enough yet?

August 30:
2 Familiars (rebased)

August 31:
5 Gondor Swordsmen

Sept 1:
Gondor Avenger Bolt Thrower

Sept 8:
5 Craters

Sept 22:
12 Ghosts

Sept 23:
8 Walls

Sept 24:
3 T-34/85 Tanks

Sept 25:
6 Dragon’s Teeth

Sept 26:
Grendel Leech-Slug

Who you gon’ call?

Sept 27:
T-34/85 Commander
2 Gondor Musicians
4 Gondor Swordsmen

Sept 28:
6 Gondor Swordsmen

Sept 30:
6 Gondor Swordsmen

Oct 2:
Confrontation Hill Ruins #2 (Dark)
LotR Ruins.

Day 275:
319 Figures Completed

Right now my urge/desire is to paint up a bunch of Warlord/Foundry Romans and Greeks for Kings of War, but first I’ll make myself finish off the many things taking up the space on my painting desk. We’ll see how it works out.

New Year’s Hobby Resolutions 2014

So I guess it’s that time again, the year is done, the party is over  – Time to reflect on the year that was and blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda.

Pictured: Leonard doing what I *still* feel like doing.

I had a kind-of painting goal for 2013. Even when I set it, I knew it was unrealistic. It was to finish 365 “things“. So that included finishing half-painted figures, individual pieces of terrain, rebasing, renovating and touching up old models, and, oh yeah! – and painting stuff from start to finish. A modest goal, compared to the many people out there who seem to manage to paint entire armies in a couple of months, but a laudable one, nonetheless.

Pictured: Some stuff that got painted or renovated in 2013. Except for 2 of the dwarves.

Unfortunately, I came up with it in March, after more than three solid months of partying playing World of Warcraft – so I was 3 months down to begin with. By day 226 I had 124 completed, and by the end of the year I had 142 models painted. Not too bad, and my best year in many, if not ever – though it does include a lot of “updated’ models and doesn’t even touch the amount I bought this year… 

Pictured: Some of the backlog. A lot of this stuff arrived this year.

I’ve had my 2014 goal planned since I came up with the 2013 one, though – Finish painting more figures than I did in the preceding year. Which I’ll continue on with, probably till I drop dead. The “stretch goal” will once again be to try and finish 365 figures.

More specifically this coming year, I want to get a few projects done, across a few genres:

Finish the 2k pts Ogre Army for KoW
Paint a 2k pts Dark Elf/Twilight Kin Army for KoW
Paint a 300?600? pt Allied Detatchment for KoW to ally with others (Giant, Trebuchet, Wolves)
Paint an Undead Army for KoW using GW, Mantic and LotR Undead (also doubles as an Army of the Dead for LotR SBG and WotR!)
Finish a ton of Men of Gondor for SBG/WotR and KoW armies of Man

Pictured: Not yet 2k points of KoW Ogres, with some older stuff and a Contemptor from Damo.


Resurrect/update my previously-finished old Dark Angels Combat Patrol into a 6th Edition 600-pt Combat Patrol
Paint 600-odd points of Deathwing as a CP
Paint 600-odd points of Ravenwing as a CP
Add some extra DA stuff back in – like the almost-finished Dreadnought, Asmodai, etc and Bingo! 2k+ point DA army!

Pictured: Finished 2E and 3E-style Dark Angels models with some WIP Ogres. Proper gallery to come later when the updated force starts getting put together…

Resurrect/finish/update my old 3.5-edition Iron Warriors CP force into a 2013-edition 600-pt Combat Patrol, then expand into 2k points or so.
Resurrect/update my 3rd-edition Mentor Legion Marine army into a 2013-edition army (including a Combat Patrol force)
When the IG codex comes out, resurrect/update my 2nd/3rd-edition IG army into a 2014-edition army (including several Combat Patrol forces)
When the IG codex comes out, resurrect/finish/update my 3rd-edition Deathworld/Jungle Fighters/Ogryn/Sentinel Maori-themed IG CP into a 2014-edition Combat Patrol force.
When the Tyranid codex comes out, resurrect/update my old Tyranid CP force into a 2014-edition 600-pt Combat Patrol.

Pictured: Formerly-complete Tyranid Combat Patrol (with Aliens as CC-warriors) now needing to be updated to 6E. Also some unfinished large models.

Resurrect/finish/update my old 2005-edition Ork CP force into a 2014-edition 600-pt Combat Patrol. Despite previously being close to finished, this is one of the harder ones, since in the interim they’ve changed the way Ork units buy and allocate special/heavy weapons pretty substantially, and also halved their point values – so it will need a lot of shuffling and a busload of additional Orks to bring back up to 600pts…

So as you can see, there are a couple of themes running through there… hopefully I can make some or most of it a reality, since much of it shouldn’t involve painting too many additional models… for all but the Orks, anyway.

“Stretch Goals” for the 40k-2k/600pt-Combat Patrol project are Grey Knights and Blood Angels.

Pictured: A huge pile of junk/future wargaming room.

Also – Convert the shed into a games room, and actually play a bunch of games! The major part of the clean-up and carpeting is planned hoped to happen over the next few weeks since I have annual leave. This will allow a lot of the mess being stored in the “painting studio” to be moved out.

Pictured: A bloody mess.

This will allow me to move my “long-term” painting projects onto the actual, proper painting desk that I have, while I’ll still be able to move individual models into the living room to work on when I want to paint while being less isolated. It’ll also allow indoor/late night gaming & boardgaming to take place on the table in the living room, rather than being covered by my crap.

Pictured: Where I *should* be painting. Note how covered in crap it all is.

Pictured: Folding table in the Living Room. AKA Where I *actually* paint.

A lot of this is due to finally purchasing our own place, after renting for years and having things in storage and then living in a short-term rental for 18 months with most of our stuff in boxes. In the last year, there’s been much unpacking and lots of culling, but that stuff happens sporadically since work seems to become more demanding each year. Every so often buying some more Bookshelves or Detolf cabinets (AU$150 for a Detolf compared to US$60? Talk about regional price fixing that would make GW blush!) As well as that, I appreciate a good videogame, so I like to chill out with some Battlefield4 or GTA5 or what have you as well as working on hobby and home.

One thing it was really nice to finally get finished only a week and a half ago was turning the small “second lounge” room or whatever the hell real estate agents call them into a display space for cool crap. This room had been half-filled with boxes (literally, not figuatively) for pretty much a full year, so it really brings a smile to my face whenever I walk through it now. I’m even able to stop and look at these things now! I’ll do a proper update on the stuff in here a bit later, but here’s the room, about 90% done as it is today (move the miniature cases out, put some more stuff in the cabinets, sort out under the desk a little). Here are a couple of pics.

Pictured: Display Room, Left Side.

Pictured: Display Room, Right Side.

And yes, I’m clearly a very lucky man in that Marouda shares my enjoyment of this sort of stuff on display, and is even willing to play games and do a tiny bit of painting with me. I should point out that the consoles are all her fault, since it was at her urging that we bought our first SNES and Mega Drive, all those years ago. That’s about it for this post. I haven’t done any painting since just before Christmas, but I hope to start again in the next couple of days. So last of all, I’ll just wish…

~ A Happy 2014 to you all! ~