Drong the Hard (Colin Dixon, 1998), Imperial Dwarf Command Standard Bearer (Michael/Alan Perry, 1988)

Drong the Hard (Colin Dixon, 1998), Imperial Dwarf Command Standard Bearer (Michael/Alan Perry, 1988)

A pair of Dwarves from different eras today – a Dwarf General model from the late 90’s, repurposed as the named Character “Drong the Hard” in the 5th Edition Grudge of Drong campaign alongside a “proper” Oldhammer Imperial Dwarf from the late 80s’.

Drong the Hard (Colin Dixon, 1998), Imperial Dwarf Command Standard Bearer (Michael/Alan Perry, 1988)

Both Dwarves have been painted in the blue with yellow trim scheme that I’ve used for my Warhammer Dwarf Clan’s livery since the late 1980’s. They’ve been given more modern shields to help tie them in with Queen Helga, who was also featured in the Grudge of Drong campaign.

Drong the Hard (Colin Dixon, 1998), Imperial Dwarf Command Standard Bearer (Michael/Alan Perry, 1988)

Banner this time is simple paper, painted with PVA for durability, and, obviously, paint. The Hammer & Anvil device is copied from a series of shields found on older Dwarves (initially the Marauder line). The runes are taken from one of the many GW publications that features a phonetic translation from runes to sounds made via the Roman alphabet. I’ll leave it to anyone who is particularly interested to work it out.

Drong the Hard (Colin Dixon, 1998), Imperial Dwarf Command Standard Bearer (Michael/Alan Perry, 1988)

Both the runes and Hammer & Anvil device are freehand jobs, which is why they’re not as perfect as the devices on the Viking banners I completed recently. On a model this big, though – they work well enough for me!

Drong the Hard (Colin Dixon, 1998), Imperial Dwarf Command Standard Bearer (Michael/Alan Perry, 1988)

I haven’t actually read the Grudge of Drong scenario, and aren’t too bothered about it, so I decided to paint Drong as a bit of a world-weary but still dangerous Warrior-General. (or Warrior-King. Whatever he is). Either way, I wouldn’t want to be in the way of that hammer!

Drong the Hard (Colin Dixon, 1998), Imperial Dwarf Command Standard Bearer (Michael/Alan Perry, 1988), Queen Helga Longplaits

For the final pic, I decided to pose the two of them alongside Helga, as the two heroes obviously fit alongside one another, and the Standard is painted to be one of their supporting players.

A Mystery Dwarf Slayer…


Dwarf Slayer

I’ve had this particular metal model for quite a few years. Picked up amongst a baggie of second-hand plastic dwarf models back in the day, it’s a slightly confounding model that I’ve never quite been able to place. On the surface it looks like any other Citadel Dwarf Slayer, right? Thge thing is, it’s base tab was blank. Doesn’t mean all that much by itself, though most of us from the metal age would know how that’s quite unusual to not even see a “GW1995” or whatever on the tab. Oh, and I haven’t been able to place him in any of the series of Slayer models that I’ve looked at.

Dwarf Slayer

From the back he looks reasonably normal as well. Pretty standard “flat” pose, typical of the 90’s and 2000’s metal production. Typical “roided-up, muscular baby” GW dwarf proportions.

Dwarf Slayer

The side view is where it’s much more interesting. Look at the details of the mohawk and also the earring. That’s not usual sculpted hair. It looks to me like the model was made for a much simpler 2-part mold as the whole thing has been designed to remove the undercuts that you get with a silicone mold. Maybe a hard mould? Is the model a prototype of some sort? A recast? Metal recast of a plastic model? (of this quality? Seems an …odd choice) Or from one of the many third parties that make not-models of various types for not-Warhammer?

If you know from whence this model came, dear reader, please do let me know in the comments. It’d be good to put a final lid on this model. He took this long to finish painting for a reason, and it’s because the odd (lack of) details on him were rather uninspiring, so thanks to “The Tray” for being the thing to finally motivate me to get him done and out of here!