WHFB Dwarf Bolt Thrower (Colin Dixon, 1998) (MechaNovember ’19)

WHFB Dwarf Bolt Thrower, Colin Dixon, 1998

Following up from the crew, who I managed to complete a month or so ago, I’ve finally gotten the actual War Machine that they crew painted! Well, there is a little caveat there – I still can’t find the bolt nor the crank that are part of the kit. Since it was an eBay jobn a few years ago, I’m not 100% sure if I even have the crank, but I do know that I have the bolt. Once I find them, individually or together, I’ll paint them up and glue them down, I suppose…

WHFB Dwarf Bolt Thrower, Colin Dixon, 1998

Here’s the Bolt Thrower itself. Nothing too amazing without it’s crew. Just a reasonably neat piece, mostly wood and metal. Still, combined with the crew it looks good, and that’s kinda the point! Bolt Throwers being War Machines, and War machines being mechanical, this also fits into November’s painting challenge. So with this thing finished, I’m finally out of the gate!

WHFB Battle For Skull Pass Dwarf Cannons & Crew (Neglected Orc-Slayer-Tober ’19)

Another Dwarfy post today. The models that have just been completed are the crew (kinda) to three cannon that I painted in January 2017 shortly after the mess of Skull Pass Dwarves I completed at the time – but never showed here because my posting workflow was different then. Rather than showing each and every thing that I painted, pretty much as it comes off the production line, I used to (usually) hold off on showing anything that was meant to be a part of a unit like this, especially if I thought the rest would be done soon. Makes sense, right? Except I finished the three cannon almost three years ago, started the crew then, and only finished them a few days ago.

Battle For Skull Pass Dwarf Cannon Crew

Yes, there should be more of these guys…

Battle For Skull Pass Dwarf Cannon Crew

…but don’t be sad, ’cause two out of three ain’t bad!

Now the eagle-eyed amongst you will have noticed that there are a few flaws with my little unit above. Some models missing from the sets and not enough models overall. The thing is that I never bought BFSP, and picked up these Dwarfs (and a few gobboes) via various second-hand purchases, years after the set was long discontinued. In these situations, you get what you get, and so I may one day supplement the crews of two with a couple of third men, but for the time being, they’ll work just fine for friendly KoW or AoS games.

I did have one full crew, but that still meant only one ball-carrier. To make up the difference I added in a random finecast (ugh) palanquin/litter carrier(?) dwarf that was in the mess of secondhand stuff, to use as an overly-blinged out cannon barrel packer. And a standard bearer because I had too many of them, and the pistols fit the feel of the artillery unit. So, you know… why the fuck not?

Not a lot of fun to paint at all, but after almost three years clogging up my desk with their crappiness, I’m glad to have them done and transformed from an annoyance into a little bunch of figures I can kinda like. I’m really going to have to try out that Dwarf army once I get some time this summer.