Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus – Rival Panels CPE01 Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus Version

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus - Rival Panels CPE01 Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus VersionFollowing on from my last post featuring Doc Ock, we have.. Doc Ock? Yeah, it’s the second version of the character produced for Crisis Protocol, as part of the Rival Panels Box set, also featuring an alternate model for Spidey. Why a second model for Doctor Octopus? My guess is that it’s a combination of Spider-Man selling really well as a hero, so getting an expensive standalone version was high on their radar as he was already included in the core box (Wolverine is the second hero to get such treatment) and Doc Ock having a pretty static pose in the core box as well as an iconic Spidey Villain (as opposed to, say, Red Skull).

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus - Rival Panels CPE01 Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus VersionI painted the two of them more or less in parallel, though the one I posted previously was indeed completed a couple of days before this one. Both were painted in the same manner, though – I used a Contrast green to base the suit, and then highlighted with several different Vallejo greens, blending yellow into the final highlights. I also added a touch of blue into the deeper shadows and on the lower part of the model.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus - Rival Panels CPE01 Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus VersionThe yellow on both models was also done using Contrast as a base. In this case, my favourite Ironjawz Yellow. I also shaded further on the lower part of the model using thinned Snakebite Leather Contrast and then later added some magenta to add some additional depth of colour – the blue added to the green and the magenta added to the yellow also work to add a bit more contrast to the two major colours of his outfit – and I do have to credit a Youtuber – Miniac – who I’m usually not a huge fan of – for that idea.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus - Rival Panels CPE01 Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus VersionThese tentacles were painted in the same way as the previous Doc Ock, but after that model was completed, so I was attempting to avoid the same issues happening again. So primed silver spray, finished and varnished the rest of the model,,and THEN Vallejo Metal Colour & Tamiya Panel Wash to fill in the lines once again. They turned out a lot better this time, but I still don’t feel like they turned out nearly as well as those first tentacles on the previous Doc Ock (so shiny, so chrome), but they’re good enough since I’m thoroughly sick of both Doctor Octopus and his tentacles at this point…

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus - Rival Panels CPE01 Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus VersionOne thing I did pick up on at a later point was that the belt is often shown as being bare metal rather than yellow. I was left with the choice of repainting the belts on both models or deciding that paint exists and that an evil genius of Octavius’ calibre would both have access to it as well as the means to apply it in a suitability garish manner to match the rest of his unfortunate outfit…

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus - Rival Panels CPE01 Spider-Man vs. Doctor Octopus Version

If Swordmaster is willing to count Doc Ock as a “Monster” for the purposes of Monster March, then this is my final entry for that challenge. As always I still have a bunch of minis that did not get completed in time, so we’ll see some of them in April and some for the Monster MayHem challenge, assuming it’s running again this year.

This just leaves one final model for the completion of my MCP Core set box. Spidey. Not sure if I’ll be able to get him done this weekend, but hopefully by next I’ll have completed it.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus

We’re drawing closer to the end of the models from my Crisis Protocol Core Set with today’s Villain – Doctor Octopus! Otto Octavius Von Biz Markie to his friends, of which there are many. Well, at least five sinister friends…

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus

This just leaves one more to go from the set proper, though I have been doing a couple of extras alongside, so the proper final model isn’t near complete yet – I’ve only just finished the cleanup and assembly in fact (though by the time you read this, it should be primed at the very least!)

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus

This sculpt is pretty static. Being from the core box it has a few too many parts in some ways, and lacks the overly-dynamic pose that many of this game’s models have had for some time now. I’ve painted him in a pretty bright, traditional Doc Ock scheme inspired by the comics I used to read years ago, though I do have to admit that I’m quite partial to Alfred Molina’s portrayal and outfit in the Sony/MCU films. Perhaps I’ll add a more bespoke 3D-printed version down the line in more muted, realistic tones.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus

The tentacles on this model were a pain in the arse in more ways than one. Aside from being a nightmare for assembly, I painted them with Vallejo Metal Colour, then used Tamiya Panel Wash to fill in the lines – and they looked fantastic! One coat of varnish later and all of that lustre had gone. I went over them with Vallejo Metal Varnish, and… they still looked crap. So I repainted them again with Metal Colour, then tried to blackline them again, but the Metal Colour didn’t come out as well as it had the first time, and the Panel Wash was a bit blotchy. In the end, I just gave up since I was tired and went for “good enough”. If I use mineral psirits to try and remove the Panel Wash remnants, I’m sure it’ll do a real number on the Metal Colour. The messiness is more nociable in these “glamour” photos than in hand, so I’ll just take the L on this one since I really didn’t enjoy painting this model.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Doctor Octopus

Does Doc Ock count as a Monster for the purposes of Monster March? I’m sure he’s been called a Monster by various victims across his villainous comics run (and probably by Spidey himself on a fair few occasions) and his stature is on the larger side (even allowing for the larger scale of MCP figures). Only Swordmaster can tell us the final answer to that, though!