WAAAAGH! Pt.28: RT02 Space Orks “Glasnost Brokentooth” and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

RT02 Space Orks "Glasnost Brokentooth" and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

Looks like I’m back after a bit of a hiatus/rest/blogging burnout. We’ll start with posting the last few models of 2023 and then the next couple of posts will be catching up to the present moment of mid-February. So here as have a couple of metal Space Orks from the opening months of Rogue Trader’s release back in 1988. I’d planned to get these done for Orktober 2023 but they got finished in early November. Well, I say finished. I just did the tufts yesterday – but the painting was November so I’ll call these last year’s models because that’s when the hard work was put in.

RT02 Space Orks "Glasnost Brokentooth" and 440318 (1988) (Kev Adams)

I painted them with desert-themed camouflage as well as orangey-brown quilted armour as a nod how I always painted this kind of armour back in the day myself. I’ve still got a fair few of these old classic metals to get painted and they’re definitely in the queue, just not at the front right now. I do look forward to getting all(!) of my old Ork metals painted and finished in 2024. Let’s cross our fingers there…

See you tomorrow with the next bit of catch-up!

WAAAAGH! Pt.26: Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz

Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz

So it’s been.. uh.. a couple of years, apparently, since I’ve finished any of my Orks – and yeah – it’s been way too bloody long! So today we have a band of five Ork Nobz from the AoBR boxed set – the starter for Warhammer 40k 5th edition. I’ve got at least a couple of these kicking around somewhere still in various states and like a lot of people I also picked up a number of cheap models off of the eBay back in the day – so here’s the first of mine. These five are actually the final bunch of the 25 Orks I pledged to paint alongside Wudugast back in …2019, only to burn out and stumble just before the finish line…

Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz

After painting quite a lot of far simpler models over the past several months – including a few from WHFB, a return to 40k models really blew me away (and not necessarily in a good way) with how detailed and in fact over-detailed they are. Kind of at odds with models designed for a horde army, really. So many individual rivets and bullets and straps and buckles and laces and.. all of which my mild OCD requires that I paint. And then to cap if off, my army’s theme being something I think of as Blood Axes crossed with Rogue Trader-era boyz – so camouflage clothing all ’round!

Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz

Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz

I mean, I did have a lot more fun painting these compared to most of the recent Drizzt models, it’s just that they also felt like they would never end given how busy they are. Even now as I’m writing this after having just put the final pre-varnish touches on these models, I spotted three extra things I need to touch on. While these Orkses weren’t the most fun I’ve had painting, and they’re pretty 2.5-D models from a starter set, I still think they’re going to be “fond of” models once I’ve had them finally out of my tray for a few days…

Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz Assault on Black Reach Ork Nobz, Blood Axe Nobz

This set of models and getting them done was inspired in part by wanting to “clear my mental debt” to Wudugast after several long years, and recently looking over some Orks by that guy in our blog-circle who paints really fucking well. OK, too broad, I guess. I mean this guy.

Ans yes, there will be more Orks in 2023!