40k Tank Traps from Battlefield Accessories Set (Neglected October ’19)

40k Tank Traps, Citadel Battlefield Accessories Set

I just finished these tank traps/hedgehogs an hour or so ago, and took them outside to photograph them along with all of the models I’ve completed in the last few days to get photos for the next few days worth of posts. These tank traps come from the rather old Battlefield Accessories Set. I actually did paint these years ago, though I did so by painting them all copper and then giving them a brown wash. It actually looked okay, except not at all what these things would or should look like, so they got wheeled in again some time ago for a repaint (aka a respray, and then left in a tub), but with Conquest Magazine being a thing and the issue with the sprue coming out here in Australia a few weeks ago, it was time to finish off the old and paint up the new.

40k Tank Traps, Citadel Battlefield Accessories Set

Orks and Ork-friends chat respectfully near some local rust.

This time I went for seeing if I could effectively paint a more realistic depiction of rust, while still attempting to keep it quick and not too incredibly tedious and painful. Here’s the breakdown:

  1. Spray Dark Metal
  2. Light Spray mid-steel-type silver
  3. Daub all joins and rivet areas really liberally with Vallejo Model Wash: Rust
  4. Leave models to sit for three weeks because you can’t be arsed with them right now.
  5. Decide “fuck this” earlier this evening and make yourself do them even though you really still can’t be arsed.
  6. Daub with Citadel Technical Paint: Typhius Corrosion (the brown, textured stuff) using a large, flat-ended brush, making sure to keep it a bit messy.
  7. Drybrush with Citadel Dry Ryza Rust. Carefully at first, then less carefully as the process drags on way longer than you’d anticipated.
  8. Daub the join areas more carefully with Vallejo Model Wash: Light Rust.
  9. Be slightly disappointed that Light Rust isn’t much lighter than the other Rust wash.
  10. Mix some Vallejo Model Colour 70.911 Light Orange with Dr Faust’s Magic Wash base (1 part Future Floor Wax/Pledge One Go, 4 parts Distilled Water) to make a lighter orange rust wash.
  11. Apply over the top of the Light Rust, while the light rust is still wet.
  12. Allow to dry.
  13. Photograph.
  14. ???????
  15. Profit!

And here we are. I forgot to spray varnish them, but it’s 10pm now, the shed is locked up, I can’t be bothered going back outside and I want to get this post finished and queued up to publish in the morning. I’ll do it tomorrow. There will also be at least two more October posts from me, plus any models I manage to complete after work tomorrow. I’ll sort that out later.

Oh, the last few days have had more typos than usual – it’s the new mechanical keyboard that I got with my replacement computer. Still getting used to it, especially when typing with any speed…

On a semi-related note to my old PC dying and being replaced, I’m now even more behind in replying to comments on my own posts, replying to comments on other people’s blogs to me, a beard-painting description, keeping up with your blogs and posts there, and of course the Round-Ups. We’ll get there eventually.

40k Cities of Death Sewer Vent from Urban Conquest (Neglected October ’19)

40k Cities of Death Sewer Vent from Urban Conquest

Something a little more recent than those Rogue Trader Orks this morning. This …sewer vent(?) comes from the 40k Urban Conquest boxed set, which comes with some campaign rules for 40k as well as a sprue of terrain, which I dutifully clipped off the sprue, cleaned off the mold lines, sprayed this piece, and duly lost the rest of the kit into some tub or another somewhere. This thing, meanwhile sat around on the painting desk for most of that time with very little done on it. (Sprayed black, sprayed dark metal, basically). So as is often the case, I finally picked the thing off and made myself finish the damned thing.

40k Cities of Death Sewer Vent from Urban Conquest

It wasn’t so bad to finish off. The weatheroing powder seems to have come up a little harsher than I planned, though it’s looking a little messier here than in hand, as I want it to have a nice dusty and worn look so that it plays nice on a variety of table surfaces, I’m still good with it.

40k Cities of Death Sewer Vent from Urban Conquest

It’s a nice little piece, really. I’ve got a fair bit of smaller pieces of scenery that I need to complete before I crack onto any more of the ones from this set. As much as I’d like to get onto more of them, there’s a ton of other stuff to get done first.

40k Cities of Death Sewer Vent from Urban Conquest

Here’s a scale pic of it alongside yesterday’s Orks. Old-school 40k alongside new-school 40k! Works pretty well in my books!