Realm of Chaos – The Death Guard #3: Poxwalker #7 (Zomtober ’19) (Contrast Paint Experiment #12.2)

Nurgle Poxwalker

I’ve started the next batch of Poxwalkers – seven of them this time (I found a couple of baggies of Poxwalker bits, but not all of them until a week after assembly). Now I’d usual;ly hold off until I had, well, more than one model of this sort, but the thing is that the Zomtober 2019 challenge asks us to post up the undead fellas on the Sunday. Now, given that I’ve already had a Sunday post, but my timezone is +10, (+11 at the moment, because we’re on Daylight Savings now), so this post will go up early on my Monday morning, but still on Sunday for Western Europe, the UK and the US. So I’m calling that good. I’m typing this Sunday nighgt my time as I wait for the PVA on the flock to dry, so I can take this little orange bastard outside and photograph him, so I can then edit the photos, insert them into this post, and then set the timer for 6am my time…

Nurgle Poxwalker

So yeah, this is the only Zombie I got done in the last week, and I only managed that by concentrating on the one of them today and putting the other six aside while I worked on thsi one and a few Orks. Pity my Dreadtober, which is looking like a bleak non-finish at this point as this working week’s going to be punctuated by a 12 or 13-hour day on Wednesday. Yeah, break out the tiny violins, but it does mean there won’t be much more time to paint before the end of the month, and definately not enough time to finish something as involved as a Dreadnought…

Nurgle Poxwalker

Something I really like about a numbe ro fthese Poxwalker figures is that they manage to tell a bit of a story in their sculpt. This guy for example wearing a torn protective suit with a cannister and gauge hanging off it. I decided to enmhance it a little by showing exactly what was in the cannister with a bit of freehand, and how much was left (none!) with a touch of colour. It doesn’t really come across in the photos, but the yellow strips on his outfit are a flouro yellow, and I’ve tried to get a rubbery grey appearance to his boots, gloves and hood.

I’ll see, but I don’t know if I’ll manage to get any more Poxwalkers done in time for Zomtober, let alone the four Zombicide Abominations that I started or the Survivor/Zombvivor. They will, however, most likely be finished not long afterwards, and if I manage to complete anything else before the end of the month, I’ll get them posted up. I’ve also got a few more greenskins I’m close to completing for Orctober, so they might pip the Zombies to the post as I need to have 25 of them completed by the end of this year…