Orctober 2019 gets a new wrinkle: Orcslayer 2019 – Community Painting Challenge

So yeah. Last night I finished my final trio for Squaddie September, and then immediately found another, long-neglected figure from that same faction and got to work on him. Today, as I got close to finishing that model, I was musing about how amusing it would be to count that model towards Orctober, because it’s kind of adjacent to greenskins via the whole “Orcslayer” thing. (No, it ain’t Gotrek or Felix). Anyway, the thought stayed with me. And was still with me this evening. And so, well, that model counts for October anyway, because it’s been Neglected for probably 20 years (I am a bad person). But I figured that a twist keeps things interesting, and it also allows more people to participate should they be interested.

So to quote Mel Brooks “It’s good to be The King”. And like that, I’m adding in “Orcslayers” to the Orctober Community Painting Challenge. So if you have any models that can or should reasonably be called Orcslayers, then feel free to submit them over on the official sign-up post. NOT HERE. I’ll GET CONFUSED OR SOMETHING WHEN COMPILING.

What’s the criteria for this new wrinkle? Well, if your model(s) have a significant history with Orcs, or Orks, or Uruks, or Goblins, etc where they don’t get on very well at all, then you’re golden.

I’m not too fussed about depth of criteria, but, you know, keep it reasonable to the background of whatever you’re basing it on.

So this means that if you’re doing some 40k miniatures, it’s probably not going to be Hive Fleet Leviathan as the arch-enemies of the greenskins.

Of course, for your own armies, you have a lot mroe leeway. And why, yes, I did feel like posting up a bunch of pictures today.

On the other hand, if your RPG character has a long and storied history against Orcs, who am I to argue?

Now git out there and PAINT before Eomer eats your face!