Small Scenics: More Little Boxes …from Mantic’s Mars Attacks (Scenic September ’19)

Mantic Mars Attacks Crates Boxes

Two years ago, I managed to paint all of the boxes from my Mantic Mars Attacks urban scenery. Great stuff, job done.

Then earlier this year, I found quite a few baggies more of the stuff. What could I do but seperate them into some tubs and …entirely forget about them for quite a few months? At least in September, I managed to get them done and out of the way. So following on from both that post two years ago and yesterday’s Incredibly Interesting Traffic Pylons, we have 20 small piles of boxes. To quote myself from two years ago:

They’re a little on the small side, and while they’ll work well as meeples for barricades in games of Zombicide, they feel a little like those annoying foot-high “walls” that videogames use to keep our otherwise athletic heroes from straying outside of the designated play area… They might work better stacks on top of other items to create useful cover, but even as is they make for decent ground clutter.

Sadly, I didn’t manage to get any of the larger pieces of terrain I’d hoped to complete. Looks like Terrain’s getting shoehorned into one of the next couple of months challenges again – gotta motivate myself to get that shiznit done!