C23 Citadel Oldhammer Ogre Warrior Priest Redux (Jes Goodwin, 1985)

C23 Citadel Ogre Warrior Priest (Jes Goodwin, 1985)

A quick “bonus” post today – this ogre is one I’ve had since the late 1980’s or very early 1990’s, started painting several years ago, and then finally went back to and restarted from scratch last year, “finishing” it then. I was never entirely happy with the model, though. In the post, I wondered aloud if I should have taken the extra time to add a very simple “1980’s WWF Roddy Piper” tartan-like pattern to his skirt. Both Faust and Kuribo suggested that it would look good, so instead of going into a case or onto the shelf, he went back onto a corner of the painting desk to wait.

For a year.

C23 Citadel Ogre Warrior Priest (Jes Goodwin, 1985)

So in August, I finally forced myself to finish his kilt and get the thing off my desk finally. And here he is.



Warlord Games Stone Bridge – Part Deux

Warlord Games Stone Bridge

Another quick Season of Scenery 2023 post today – Two years ago, I painted and posted this same kitWarlord Games’ Stone Bridge.

The original one was picked up in June 2017 and then painted in August 2020 for Dave Stone’s Season of Scenery 2020. I don’t recall when I picked up this second kit, but I can only assume it was after I painted the first one. In any case, the kit’s been sitting around as a set of sprues in a plastic bag (I didn’t get a box, so I presumably purchased it direct from Warlord). Marouda and I were doing some cleaning and sorting a couple of weeks ago and I found the sprues, so I grabbed them out to get rid of (by assembling and painting, obviously).

Warlord Games Stone Bridge

I didn’t check how I’d painted the first one before starting on this one. After assembly, I added AK Interactive Easycast texture and then left it to dry. When I was adding the texture, I noticed that the ends had separated and not glued in tight, which was annoying, so I added a little more in those corners. Sprayed black, then a couple shades of zenithal grey. Spray Coat of Satin varnish. Drybrushed a couple of layers of grey, let it dry. Washed with a black-brown mix. Drybrushed again in two shades of grey. Washed the underside with a mix of Athonian Camoshade wash mixed with a dollop of VMC Medium Olive. One more light drybrush of light grey.

Warlord Games Stone Bridge

Wet-brushed shading of thin panzergrau in the inner corners, then added the same with thinned track brown. Spray varnished again. Found it was a bit too shiny once it was dry, so I brought it inside and painted the whole thing with a roughly 3:5 mix of Contrast Medium and AK Ultramatte varnish. Done!