Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel (Dark Vengeance).

Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel, Dark Vengeance

My last model for December, and for 2020 itself is this Dark Angel Librarian from the Dark Vengeance boxed set. As usual, this model was started quite awhile ago and then sat part-basecoated for a couple of years. Every so often I’d do a tiny bit of work to him and then put him aside again.

Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel, Dark Vengeance

Even when I decided to knuckle down and try to get this guy done in the last days of December, it wasn’t actually easy. As you can see, this guy is just totally covered in all manner of detail and excessive amounts of bling. Even so I was able to add a little bit of freehand on the inside of the cloak – the lining, mirroring the style sculpted onto the outside as well as a pattern on the crimson, which my poor photography has managed to wash out entirely.

Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel, Dark Vengeance

I went with metal armour in a mixture of green and gold in lieu of the “official” blue – which as I’ve mentioned before – I just don’t grok with. I’ve also been partial to giving my Dark Angels green and/or red robes and capes rather than bone, especially so on when there’s a lot of cloth happening.

Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel, Dark Vengeance

Once again, this model works for Dave Stone’s “Paint what you got” challenge”.  which is running through to the end of February.

Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel, Dark Vengeance

Yeah, you can see just how much bling this guy is covered with. It’s quite a busy model, and already looks quite skittle-y without adding blue armour into the mix. There’s a subtle touch of blue tone throughout his sword, but I think that’s enough for this guy.

Dark Angels Librarian Turmiel, Dark Vengeance, Asmodai, Interrogator-Chaplain, Dark Angels Techmarine, Dark Angels Jump Pack Librarian.

And here he is, alongside my other completed Dark Angel hero models to date. Obviously, I needs to get a captain and/or lieutenant painted, so (in theory) that’s what will be next for them.

Dark Angels Techmarine (2nd Edition) (Jes Goodwin)

Dark Angels Techmarine, 2nd Edition, Jes Goodwin

I finished another Space Marine as part of my first Tray. This one is another model that I got stuck on for years – a Techmarine of the Dark Angels that I started on ….well, it was a long time ago. Now I’m not entirely one for the colour-coding of Marine Specialist Officers. Well, I’m good with Chaplains having black armour, and Apothecaries being (mostly) white, but after that it gets hazy. I’m ok with some of my Techmarines being Red, because Adeptus Mechanicus, but sometimes a metallic on the red spectrum just feels better to me. In this case a deep slightly-coppery brown for the Dark Angels just feels good against the green armour of the Chapter. (And just forget about blue armour for Librarians!)

Dark Angels Techmarine, 2nd Edition, Jes Goodwin

The main thing that made this model take so long to complete was simply the sheer number of tiny little fiddly details. They weren’t even hard to paint, but they were mentally difficult to do. This is why the Tray concept is working for me right now. After smashing through all of the easy winds, I’m stuck with these harder models to go, and just have to suck it up amd make myself do them. I’m struggling on a pair of Dark Elves right now that I’m really not enjoying much, but I am getting through the work on them – which isn’t something I could have said before, as they just sat on the desk, ignored for years.

Dark Angels Techmarine, 2nd Edition, Jes Goodwin

He’s armed with a combi-plasma, that seemed a good choice for him when I began working on him again early in 8th edition. Dunno how well it’ll fare in 9th, but bad luck. The final detail to complete him was a resin Dark Angels Legion shoulder pad from Forge World. The extra blinginess really works on models like this who are a step or five above the standard marines.

Dark Angels Techmarine, 2nd Edition, Jes Goodwin, Librarian, Sergeant, Asmodai

Group shots are always a nice way to finish these posts. They look good, and they also provide some visual reference and context for the readers who aren’t especially familiar with the faction or lore. And yeah, they look good!