Shieldwolf Miniatures’ Krumvaal Lower Yetis (Yeti A)

Shieldwolf Miniatures' Krumvaal Lower Yetis

I’ve had these models – Shieldwolf Miniatures’ Krumvaal Lower Yetis for a few years now, as I picked them up from the Kickstarter when they were released, and have been wanting to paint them for awhile. I mean, I want to paint everything I buy, and whenever I sort through unpainted models in my collection, almost all of them do manage to “Spark Joy” and make me want to paint them – as do so many of the posts I read from members of this community. So with Swordmaster’s Monster March having been a thing very recently, I decided to paint my two sets of these Yeti (6 models in total), and although I got all six of them started and some way through them, I didn’t manage to complete any of them – but I did manage to push the first pair of them through to completion this month (April – so they will count towards my tally for Ann’s “Paint the Crap You Already Own!” challenge.

Shieldwolf Miniatures' Krumvaal Lower Yetis

Unfortunately, these models weren’t easy or especially enjoyable models for me to paint in practise. I thought they would be, given the predominance of several simple textures that I usually enjoy – fur, skin, wood… but what I found was a lack of differentiation between the Yeti’s own fur and the fur cloak(s) that they wear, and so I had to scratch my head and try to decide how to differentiate them from one another, while still wanting to keep both of them a white, or at least dirty grey. Because Yetis. features like their ears blended in with the fur, and I’m still not entirely sure what’s supposed to be going on with the bridges of their noses..

Shieldwolf Miniatures' Krumvaal Lower Yetis

For the actual painting, I wanted to try Contrast Paints and similar over a Zenithal highlight, since it’s supposedly a quick and effective method of getting some good looking results. Given that Yetis covered in fue are pretty outdoorsy and rough compared to, say Elves or parade-ground marines, I thought these were a good place to learn how that all works.

I was originally planning to give them greyish skin, but it turned out to be just way too much grey for me with the fur and their own body-hair-fur, so I ended up giving them a rich, darker tone for their flesh over grey in the base, which was something new for me. I also used several of WarcoloursAntithesis paints that I purchased a little while ago on these to see how they would work and look. The Anthithesis range are a Contrast-like paint, but with a gel base. They’re much thicker, and they are trickier to use than Contrast due to their thickness. I also have worked out by this point that the way I generally like to use Contrast paints isn’t the official “speed-paint” way, and for me they’re something to use in a variety of different ways, sometimes over primer but more often over a coloured base, and pretty much always combined with one or more of the more established, existing techniques. I think the result is, again, decent, but the experience wasn’t as pleasant as I’d hoped, especially as the “Contrast over Zenithal” thing did not work at all well with the Antithesis paints.

Shieldwolf Miniatures' Krumvaal Lower Yetis

As you can see here, they’re some chunky bois. And as with many of the models that I don’t especially enjoy painting, I do like them a lot more now that they’re done. Unfortunately… there’s still another four of them :P. But that’s (hopefully!) where Monster MAYhem will come in handy…

Oh – and if you’re wondering why they’re not on snowy bases – simples! They’re not fighting next to where they live. They’ve come down the mountains to tag along with whichever army I drop them into (Ogres, probably) and raid the puny folk!

D&D Monster Manual 62: Tomb of Annihilation – Su-Monsters and Velociraptors

D&D Dungeons and Dragons Tomb of Annihilation – Su-Monsters and Velociraptors

My next pair of simple Tomb of Annihilation model sets here – a trio of Su-Monsters, which are actually pretty nice sculpts, considering their PVC model origins – and a trio of Veliciraptors.

D&D Dungeons and Dragons Tomb of Annihilation – Velociraptors

It’s almost like the D&D designers went back to the actual information with the Veliciraptors, as they’re represented by much smaller dino models than we usually see. Which is, actually, how they were. Thanks to Spielberg deciding that Jurassic Park’s Velociraptors and Compsognathus should essentially swap sizes for dramatic purposes, we had a couple of generations of people thinking that Veliciraptors were much larger than they actually were. Which has remained the perception through pop culture, not to mention been subject to the usual exaggeration in size since then….

Does it matter? Well, truth be told, not to most of us in our day to day lives in a manner that affects them in that everyday manner, but by the same token, does it matter to most of us in our day to day lives if the Sun revolves around the Earth? or if the Earth is flat? Or if both Dinosaurs and the Moon Landing are hoaxes? You see my point.

Anyway, it seems that these D&D Veliciraptors are roughly accurately sized. Which was a nice surprise to see. Paint-wise they’re pretty simple. Some contrast over a green base with a darkened spinal area. Not that you can really see much as they’re soo teeny-weeny!

D&D Dungeons and Dragons Tomb of Annihilation – Su-Monsters

Su-Monsters. That’s certainly an interesting name for something. Luckily I checked out WTF these things are supposed to be before painting them, and went with a “close enough” approximation of their description, though the blackened face was tricky to pull off, since it looks a bit unnatural and I think the models looked better with their skin in that fleshy grey. But whatever. I’m not really sure what else to write about these? They “feel” like they’re from some old D&D splatbook like Oriental Adventures, but despite being very reasonable sculpts for D&D boardgame minis, I don’t care enough to look them up again. Evil Jokaero! Done!

3 more models for Ann’s “Paint the Crap You Already Own!” challenge, which I am no doubt spamming like mad with those pingbacks right now!