15mm Flames of War DAK Status Markers #2 – Battlefront Miniatures

15mm Flames of War Dismounted DAK Panzer Crew

After I painted the pair of dismounted vehicle crew a few weeks ago, I went into the shed to find the rest of my FoW stuff, and see what else i could dig out for quick and easy wins (aka models I could finish fast). Well, the first thing I found was the other two of the dismounted crew models, which I’d entirely forgotten existed.

15mm Flames of War Dismounted DAK Panzer Crew

Here they are, reunited with their two comrades. As you can see, I’ve vaguely gone for a pair in black Panzer crew-style tunics, and a pair in Feldgrau-(ish) uniforms that could pass for Artillery – and so prime to be used for StuG crew should I need to differentiate.

15mm Flames of War DAK Pinned Markers

I also found the other twelve(!) models I had picked out to slightly mod (in some cases) for specific uses. I managed to get four of them, four more are still on the go and will hopefully be done as part of Neglected July, and the other four still have their bases being built up – so might be July or sometime after that. These four that I did manage to paint are (unsurprisingly) “Pinned” markers. Three made from artillery crew of whatever sort, and one from a motorcyclist.

15mm Flames of War DAK

And here they are – the first eight of my Flames of War DAK status markers. Complete after only …uh, yeah, maybe better not stop to work that part out.

Star Wars Miniatures Bacta Tank (#26, Imperial Entanglements)

Star Wars Miniatures Bacta Tank #26, Imperial Entanglements

After the positive response to my last few days worth of posting, I thought it was a good opportunity to hit everyone with something really underwhelming. In this case, I have a pair of Bacta Tanks from the Star Wars Miniatures range of prepaints brought out by WotC from 2004-2010. It was a surprisingly decent game, though I never got into it hardcore, and most of my purchases for the game have been via the post-2010 clearouts and fire sales from various places. These two I picked up late last year from a local place for cheap to maybe use in the actual game, but more realistically, use for Imperial Assault boardgame terrain and 40k-related Scenery. Not much to say here. I ripped off their warped and wonky bases and replaced them with HIPS 50mm bases, which I painted in that bluish-grey tone I use for other Imperial Assault things. I also found some old WHFB shields which I fashioned into super-crude pieces to add a tiniest bit of detail on top.

Could I have done more? Of course. But let’s be entirely real here – the models aren’t all that great and are still slightly wonky and warped – and ain’t nothing I can do about it! So I mulled over this briefly and then decided that they’re not worth the time it would have taken when I have to much else to do. So this is it, and here they are. They’ll look fine from an arms’ length. All good, and good enough!