Realm of Chaos – The Death Guard #2: Poxwalkers #4-6 (Zomtober ’19) (Contrast Paint Experiment #12.1)

Nurgle Poxwalkers

Here’s the other three of my initial six Poxwalkers. I completed these last night and so now these will be going up as the next part of my Zomtober 2019 pledge. Technically, the challenge asks participants to finish a model per week and get them posted up each Sunday. I’ve instead batched them in two sets of three, and so now with six, I feel I’ve participated nicely even if I don’t manage to get any more of these suckers completed.

Nurgle Poxwalkers

These six have been done in the overall yellow-brown-ochre flesh scheme. The next batch of Poxwalkers I do will also be in the same overall look, and then once I get to the first set of duplicates, I’ll start to go down a different skin tone route, probably a little greenish.

Nurgle Poxwalkers

And below, you can see the next few. There appear to still be some missing parts from my Poxwalkers from the Dark Imperium set, so there’s not quite the full set of them below. Not sure if I’ll actually manage to get any more models done in time for Zomtober – as much as I’d like to have a few more done for each week, I still haven’t finished a single goblinoid for my own Orctober Painting Challenge, nor the Dreadtober painting challenge!