Another pair of Kev Adams’ Citadel Orc Boyz (WHFB 4th Edition)

Orc with Sword 1, Oldhammer, Kev Adams

Today we have a couple more of Kev Adams’ Orcs that I’ve recently painted. These figures are from the 1992-93 period, or the early days of WHFB 4th edition.

Orc with Sword 1, Oldhammer, Kev Adams

Unlike the big’uns that I painted a little while ago and placed on 32mm bases, these figures fit nicely on standard 25mm bases.

4th Edition Kev Adams Oldhammer Orc

I’ve painted them to broadly match the other Orcs I’ve been painting recently. Once again, the grinning goblin-faced shield is from the Warhammer Fantasy Regiments plastic boxed set from early 3rd edition.

4th Edition Kev Adams Oldhammer Orc

I haven’t got a lot of other commentary on them for the time being. A couple more orcs for the pile!