Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners, Part 3 – Complete (Again!)

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners, Hasslefree

Awhile back, I finished (what I thought was) the last set of Zombicide 1st Edition Runners in our collection. That was until we (well, Marouda) found a little cache with more models – including even more of these Runners! Now sometimes finding more models can be great – because “free models”, right? On the other hand, finding another batch of models that you (thought) that you juuuust finished can be …kinda annoying.

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

So what could I do? I just had to knuckle down and paint the damned things. So I did that. And here they are. In terms of interesting shorts and references, I’ve just got two of them this time. The runnr in the top image that’s about to eat Simon Pegg’s cricket bat is based on… Simon Pegg?

Credit to Dave Stone for ponting that one out in the past, and then reminding me. Dave, as it also happens is the gent running the Apocalypse Me painting challenge for November, which these Zombies will qualify for.

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie RunnersThere’s one other reference on the back of that Runner’s hoodie jacket. Look closely…

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

Yep, he may have taken off his pants but hasn’t yet done so for his jacket. It’s a little rough, but it shows I’ll be able to replicate that particular logo on a model I care a bit more about down the line.

And that gives me another 10 zombies done – and finally all of my standard (First Edition) Runners. One other thing that stands out a bit with this batch is the amount of palette-sharing between models. I don’t think this will be an issue as once I’ve got my monthly round-up photo taken, these 10 will be mixed in with the other 2 dozen-odd runners, making them seem much less repetitive.

Now I’ll have to get started on the Toxic Runners shortly, but I have a few other Zombies I’ve gotten painted in October, so stay tuned for the next post with my last few Zomb-tastic odds and ends condensed into one post before the round-up!

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners, Part 2 – Complete!

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

Hello again. Long time no post, I know. It’s because while you Northern Hemisphere people are enjoying what we’d call a warm summer afternoon, we’ve been in the depths of a hellish and freezing winter – which you’d call “it’s a bit chilly, maybe don’t just wear a t-shirt out”. Anyway, as a result of this I’ve been in the way of Sneezy, Drippy and Coughy. While the RATs have been negative, I’ve still had to stay home from work so as to not share the misery and because negative RAT or not, nobody wants a coughing, sneezing, snotty nose-blowing bastard working next to them – especially in 2022. So yeah, time off work, but not exactly being in the most productive state.

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

So in the time so far this month I started on the other half of my Zombicide 1st Edition Runners. The other 12 of them. Twelve. The second dozen. We have a guy who likes all-Adidas everything, and another who enjoys Jello.

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

The red on one of the ladies turned out a bit (a lot) more Magenta-ish than I’d planned. I wonder if Kuribo will pick up on the reference in this row of Zombies?

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

Zombicide 1st Edition: Zombie Runners

Oh, after I finished the dozen models that were the last of my Runner, I found another pair of them – so I had to prep and paint those two before blooding and photographing the ones I’d just completed. So we have 14 here. I find t-shirts tend to be the best surfaces to add modern pop culture references to. Shouldn’t go too far overkill, though – not everyonme wearing a t-shirt has a print, especially a back print – not that these zombies offer anything else. The one in the yellow and red outfit is either a superfan or Tomoaki Honma, but let’s pick those references!