July 2023 Monthly Round-Up

Almost halfway through the new(!) month? Time for last month’s round-up, then!

Thematically, June was less scattershot than a lot of “normal” months tend to be, though there are still a couple of outliers. The main themes being Zombicide and Modern-fitting Terrain.

The four investigators from Cthulhu: Death May Die could all fit into a modern game – even though Rasputin is a little out of time, the model itself fits easily into a modern setting – and at some stage I do plan to create custom Survivor cards for the DMD characters so we can drop them into our Zombicide games.

Those outliers that I mentioned earlier are of course the trio of Fire Bats from one of those D&D Adventure Boardgames as well as the singular Age of Sigmar Endless Spell.

The largest contingent of models was of course the actual Zombicide Survivors – and their Zombvivors. 10 additional characters for us to drop into our games as well as their Zombivor models which we probably won’t get much use out of until we start using “The Lost” rules a bit later.

July also happened to be the first month of Dave Stone’s current Season of Scenery Challenge – and so while I have not yet managed to finish any of my larger terrain pieces that I’ve been working on (and time’s ticking down!) I did get a lot of scatter painted as well as some smaller bits (large scatter?)

A good chunk of these come from Marvel Crisis Protocol from the Starter Set as well as some from the NYC Construction Set. These are supplemented by other bits from Mantic (still can’t find my container with the picket and cyclione fences in it!), a little from Star Wars Shatterpoint, Flying Frog’s Torii Gates, Micro Art barrels (as well as some other resin ones I had sitting around) and a Stone Bridge from Warlord Games.

And here we are. Obviously all this scatter will vastly inflate my numbers from July, but that’s okay. Helps keep me motivated.

So here’s the monthly breakdown:

Terrain: 6 MCP Street Barriers, 6 Barrels, 2 Street Lights, 4 Traffic Lights, 1 Garbage Bin, 2 Dumpsters, 8 Shatterpoint Crates, 4 resin barrels, 5 Micro Arts barrel sets, 1 Warlord Bridge, 4 Shadows of Brimstone Torii Gates, 6 Mantic Bins, 1 GW Endless Spell – 50 assorted pieces of terrain.

Figures: 3 D&D Fire Bats, 4 Death May Die Investigators, 1 Undead Captain America, 10 Zombicide Survivors and 10 Zombicide Zombvivors – 28 figures.

That’s 78 done in July. I was at 149 models at the end of June, so that brings a new total of 227 for the year so far.