Zombicide Rue Morgue Survivors “Terry” & “James”

Zombicide Rue Morgue Survivors “Terry” & “James”

It’s getting to that time of year when I start to get tired. I’m still painting, but posting and reading posts and commenting on posts.. that’s more difficult right now. Still, I’ve made myself go out and take some photos of recent models. I missed a few photos for other posts, so we’ve got this one today with another pair of Zombicide Survivors.

Zombicide Rue Morgue Survivors Terry

First up we have Terry. He’s described as ex-military.

Zombicide Rue Morgue Survivors Terry

I’ve pretty much followed the artwork for the paint scheme for both Terry and James here.

Zombicide Rue Morgue Survivors James

James’ minimal bio lists him as being “a sharpshooter” – so I guess it makes total sense that the model is depicted with a sawn-off double-barrelled shotgun with a shell belt.

Zombicide Rue Morgue Survivors James

The model’s outfit and artwork gived him a somewhat ex-military, or perhaps survivalist-oriented feel.

Anyway – two more models for our games done!