Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) – Barriers and Street Lights

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

Through September, I’ve kept working on some of the unfinished projects left over from the Season of Scenery Challenge. Here’s a few smaller parts of the Marvel Crisis Protocol Cosmic Terrain Pack.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

I think these are supposed to be street lights – they “work” for me in that way at least in the same kind of way you’d find interesting lights in a pedestrian mall, so I painted them with an attempt at a glowy manner.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

Here they are alongside Logan from MCP as well as a couple of models from other well-worn genres. I think the lights would work fine alongside all three scales.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

Similarly, the Jersey Barriers work with all three. They’re a bit extra-big and britalist alongside the Post-Apoc model, but still very playable.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) - Barriers and Street Lights

These may have gotten done earlier, but since I hate the official box art colour scheme, I went through three iterations (shiny metallic, standard grey, desert yellow) before settling on this greenish grey look loosely based on my recent Hydra scenery, but more weathered and worn.

20 thoughts on “Marvel Crisis Protocol: Cosmic Terrain Pack (Part One) – Barriers and Street Lights

  1. Excellent job on all mate, I think they work for fancy street lamps, they remind me a bit of the buffers from the train in the movie Black Panther, but they could also be barrier projectors, and your glow effect would work for all three. The barriers look perfect in that colour.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Your memory for movie details is so amazing! I’m lucky if I can remember most of the characters and subplots these days. The best is when I watch a movie and then halfway through realize I already watched it! “Hey, I get to enjoy this all over again!!” 😂

      Liked by 5 people

      • Yeah, the MCU Has gotten more than a little bloated these days. I’m still (at least) one movie behind, but I’m much more interested in watching Generation V shortly..

        Liked by 3 people

  2. Nice work Azazel! I guess their color scheme was for something like inside a base or SciFi city. Your color scheme looks better to me and more practical because you could use it in a variety of games.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Yeah, it kinda reminded me a little of the Marvel Comics that I didn’t like so much – Kree and Skrulls, Silver Surfer, X-Men going to the Shi’ar etc – but I wasn’t happy with how they were looking at all.I much prefer the grittier look.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. These look very nice, mate and I wholeheartedly endorse your decision to stray from the box art. I think these look more realistic and they’re much more versatile than those gaudy colors would ever be.

    Liked by 1 person

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