Marvel United: Beast and “First Class” Iceman

Marvel United: Beast and "First Class" Iceman, X-Men, Avengers

AKA Hank and Bobby go to White Castle. After a little delay in posts via being generally tired and all of those daily posts, we have the final figures of April’s output. It’s the Blue version of Beast from the Marvel United X-Men Core Set along with the “First Class” version of Iceman from.. the X-Men First Class box..

Marvel United: Beast and "First Class" Iceman, X-Men, Avengers

I will at some stage have the many many other X-Men figures painted, and there are indeed several more versions of Iceman to come from both United and Zombies – and a Crisis Protocol version has just released, but is hard to get for a reasonable price here in Aussieland right now – but this is what I have finished so far. With two more weekends left in May, there’s a chance we’ll see some of the other Icemans, but no guarantee. The other First Class X-Mans will be a bit later, no doubt.

Marvel United: Beast and "First Class" Iceman, X-Men, Avengers

Anyway, Beast was painted in much the same way as the other versions, though he does seem a bit darker in these pictures. Maybe it’s the contrast with Bobby? Icy-Pole Man was painted with a good white prime, some thinned contrast (or Xpress, or Speedpaint maybe?) and then a drybrush to re-icy him again.

Marvel United, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Marvel Zombies, Zombicide, CMON, Beast, X-Men, Avengers

I’d be remiss if I didn’t provide a group shot of all four of the Beastie Boys. From our left to right, we have Ad-Rock, MCA, Mike-D, and Zom-B.

Marvel United: "First Class" Iceman, X-Men

One of the reasons Icy Boy was chosen was so I could use his base to test out some new ice and snow products I picked up recently.

Marvel United: "First Class" Iceman, X-Men

Some of them were more successful than others, but a good chance to refresh on something I’ve only done a few times and good to see how some of them interact with each other.

Round-Up post will be soon, but we have a boardgame still set out on the table out there, so I may have to sneak a few May Models in front of the Round-Up post. We’ll have to see what happens there!