Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

Another Crisis Protocol model today! Today we have the blue-furred Hank McCoy, aka Beast! I first encountered Beast in his original X-Men run as a kiddo when given random old comics, and then again later on when I started reading X-Men in the 1980’s (and for some reason Beast had gone from Hulk-style kinda thick-set to blue and furry?)

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

I know that Beast has had other looks – Google shows him with a weird cat face, there’s pictures of him with glasses (because I guess, smart = visually impaired?), and pictures of him looking like Frasier Crane for some reason. This particular figure came with an option for a bespectacled head and also a book in that fist-hand. I went for the non-specs version because this is how I always picture Beast, and the non-book version because he’s in this game to fight people – not read them a bedtime story featuring calculus.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

As per usual with these bases, I added some smashed slate to help blend the sculpted rubble in with the plastic base. The figure did look pretty plain, though – so I added a lot of rust to the damaged scaffolding in order to add some reddish/warm tones to counter point all the blue.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

Rather than blending, I went with predominantly drybrushing on this model in order to give his skin/fur a rougher texture – more akin to fur than a perfectly smooth blended surface would have been. I also did a little bit of careful stippling to help it along.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

I want to get a decent number more of these Crisis Protocol figures painted this year, though in practical terms that could end up just being one or two figures a month with all of the rest of the things I’m painting at the same time. I’ve got another two in progress on the desk, and another two in partially-assembled pieces on the desk, and another three assembled and sitting on the tray – so who knows how productive the next months will turn out?

8 thoughts on “Marvel Crisis Protocol: Beast

  1. If I recall correctly there was no real explanation for Beast’s sudden hair growth. I think the first appearance was him with grey fur and then blue fur became the norm. He also reverted back to the stocky human form for awhile. He looked like Frasier for awhile, because the actor played him in one of the X-men movies. And yes, you have the glasses and the (ugh) cat version. The way you painted him here is pretty much my favorite version. Though his hair (on his head) was a bit darker in the comics I’m thinking of. Around Avengers 178+ ( I don’t know if it was just the writers, but that run of Avengers made the Beast into a more interesting character than I found him to be in the X-Men. He was smart, but you also had Iron Man who was very smart. So Beast became more funny and pal’d around with Wonder Man and later Hawkeye. He also became a ladies man, which was pretty funny. All the ladies seemed to like his furry coat.
    I don’t see much fur texture on the mini, so I’m really impressed with how you managed to hint at fur. I’d say you hit a “homerun!” on this one! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve recently got into MCP and have picked up far too much stuff, but I’m settled on x-men for the time being. Seeing this has come along at the right time, anyway! Superb!


  3. Fantastic work mate, really like what you’ve done with the blue, looks very dynamic, and the rust on the scaffold is the perfect backdrop for him. The additional work on the base is seamless


  4. A classic X-Men character! To counter Faust, I happen to like the cat version of Beast though either way is fine by me. Not to be outdone by other X-Men, there is a Dark Beast in more recent comics too which is pretty much the evil genius version of Beast.

    This sculpt captures the “classic” (classic to me anyway!) Beast design well and as others have said, you painted it nicely. The weathering on the scaffolding is excellent as well!


  5. He looks terrific, you’ve done a grand job there painting him to look furry – especially as I don’t recall there being a great deal of texture on the mini. Beast is a lot of fun in game, being mobile with a superb character throw; probably I should use him a bit more often if anything.

    The Frasier Crane thing is (presumably) because Kelsey Grammar played Beast in one of the X-Men films.


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