Marvel Crisis Protocol: Logan, the Wolverine – Rival Panels CPE03 Weapon X Program

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Logan, the Wolverine - Rival Panels CPE03 Weapon X Program

Time to get some September models posted up, eh? Today’s post is the version of Wolverine in his civvies, so really in his alter-ego of Logan from the fancy Rival Panels boxed set.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Logan, the Wolverine - Rival Panels CPE03 Weapon X Program

I liked this model. It was a straightforward one to assemble and then also to paint. I based him on one of the generic city bases (after clipping off the curb) rather than the base that’s more specific to the Diorama base from the set, since I’m not really interested in displaying the models in that manner. I did leave the small tactical rock next to his heel, since I often add a little bit of grit and/or debris to my MCP bases.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Logan, the Wolverine - Rival Panels CPE03 Weapon X Program

The model also came with two head options – one with the cowboy hat and another bare-headed version. I felt if we’re doing Logan in his civvies I may as well go all the way. It also leaves me with a spare head to perhaps swap into a future Wolverine model as well for that cowl-off look that’s not uncommon to the comics.

Marvel Crisis Protocol: Logan, the Wolverine - Rival Panels CPE03 Weapon X Program

I don’t think we have any painting challenges going for September, so I’ll just keep kicking along and painting my stuff until next month.

I know October usually gets loaded up with Orktober being at the very least an “unofficial” challenge between a few of us (I plan to be in on that one this year if others are doing it – IRO? Wudu?), Dreadtober usually running (and me failing to finish anything for the last few years!) and sometimes Zom’tober (Apocalypse Me?) because, I guess, Halloween being a thing. Anyone running that one this year? Dave?

14 thoughts on “Marvel Crisis Protocol: Logan, the Wolverine – Rival Panels CPE03 Weapon X Program

  1. The tones to the clothing, look straight out of a screen shot from a movie, and awesome work on the face.
    Yes I will be running Zomtober/Apocalypse me again and should have the post up by the end of the week.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Really superb job there, you’ve got the jeans looking spot on. Aye, IRO and I will be having our annual Ork painting showdown – and I need to see plenty of greenskins from other blogs to keep my enthusiasm up so I can give him a proper thrashing this year!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Wudu! I doubt I’ll be getting the numbers up like you two teend to do, but I’ve got a good number of greenskins I really want to get off my damned painting desk and if I can use the month and your showdown to help motivate…. 😉


  3. That’s a good looking mini, Bub! I like Wolverine best when he’s out of the suit so this sculpt is a great one in my book. I did think my eyes were deceiving me when I couldn’t find any tactical rocks or debris on the base though. That is until I read that you removed them anyway 🙂


  4. I was never crazy about this look for Wolverine, even though character wise it makes the most sense. But I have to say your clothing texture work made it just beautiful. Smart choice on the hat too!


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