Mechanismo May ’19: Community Painting Challenge – Community Round-Up

Sunfire’s Inquisitorial representatives – Inquisitor Henrietta Kappel, Ordo Malleus; Genetor Mordecai Linden; Interrogator Tiberius Gideon Lambert

Sunfire, from Rhoda’s Reach has shared a trio of Inquisitorial representatives for Mechanismo May – Inquisitor Henrietta Kappel, Ordo Malleus; Genetor Mordecai Linden and Interrogator Tiberius Gideon Lambert.

Sunfire’s Alpha Legionnaires

Sunfire also completed a triad of Alpha Legionnaires, based on Primaris Marines and incorporating some Adeptus Mechanicus heads, creating a rather cool and unique look.


Pete’s Russian Airbourne Armour

Pete S /SP from SP’s Projects Blog completed fourteen pieces of armour across three types for Mechanismo May –

Pete’s ASU-85

Firstly, we have a platoon of Soviet ASU-85 self-propelled guns. I actually thought that these were 15mm models initially, but they’re actually 6mm(!)

Pete’s Sprut SD support vehicles

Next up, a foursome of Sprut SD support vehicles, which Pete describes pretty well as “lesser known”. I certainly hadn’t heard of them before!

Pete’s PT76 Amphibious tanks.

Pete finally completes May with a platoon of PT76 Amphibious tanks, bringing his Soviet forces to a nice amount of reinforcements for the month.


Dave Stone’s Star Wars Droids

Dave Stone of Wargames Terrain Workshop completed a foursome of Droids from Star Wars. We have an FX medical droid, the astromechs R5-J2 and R4-I9, and then finally an RA7 protocol droid. Certainly a set that covers the topic of Mechanismo!


Krautscientist’s Argus the Brazen, Hellbrute of Khorne.

Krautscientist from the Eternal Hunt completed an old-school Forge World model – a Chaos Dreadnought of Khorne, now known as a Hellbrute. Given the moniker Argus the Brazen, he’s certainly an impressive looking model!


mcmattila’s Revelators Space Marine Captain

mcmattila of mcmattilaminis has completed a Space Marine Captain from his Revelators Chapter for his Mechanismo May model. As always, it’s a beautifully clean piece of work.


Dave Kay’s UR-025 from Blackstone Fortress

Dave Kay from Scent of a Gamer completed the Man of Iron player character, UR-025 from the Blackstone Fortress board game. Luckily there’s absolutely nothing suspicious about this completely-loyal, all-Imperial mechanical construct.


Thomas’ converted Hellforged Thousand Sons Contemptor

Thomas, of High Times on the Eastern Fringe completed a converted Hellforged Thousand Sons Contemptor, A very cool conversion, especially given that it had previously been a Converted World Eaters Contemptor of Khorne.

Thomas’ Thousand Sons Rhino

Thomas also completed a second model for Mechanismo Maya Rhino for his Thousand Sons force. We’ll need to see a full army shot of Thomas’ Thousand Sons in a few months.


Wudugast’s Ikit Claw, Skaven Engineer

Wudugast, from Convert or Die completed the Skaven character – Ikit Claw. The most renowned of all of the Skaven Warlord-Engineers, this model is even more mechanical than the original model, and certainly fitting for Mechanismo May.

Just Needs Varnish’s

Just Needs Varnish from Just Needs Varnish completed a pair of 1:72 German Panzer 38(t) tanks – so named because of them being “liberated” from the Czech and incorporated into the forces of the German Reich. Once again, he manages to make them look pretty bloody amazing, with such sharp highlights but still a bit dusty and weathered.


Mark Morin’s German AFV’s for Eastern Front battles from May.

Mark Morin, of Mark A Morin completed a preponderance of Panzers in May. While I’d like to take some credit for Mark’s productivity, the fact is that Mark is a tank-painting machine. As usual for Mark’s posts filled with armour, it’s well worth clicking that link to see them all in their detailed glory!


PatrickWR’s Forge World Night Lords Dreadnought

Finally, I’ve just had PatrickWR from Comrade’s Wargames let me know that he also completed a model for Mechanismo May – in this case a rather awesome looking Night Lords Dreadnought from Forge World.


My own finale shot from Mechanismo May had some issues, as I left out several of the models that fit, so instead I’m just throwing in my “all-May” models image instead. You can see the bunker-building, 2 Ork artillery pieces, 2 Star Wars Bacta tanks, 2 Legion of the Damned Space Marines in power armour, an Iron Warriors Traitor Legion Vindicator tank, a pair of (captured) Universal Carriers, and a pair of 88mm Flakartillerie and a Ratman with a bionic power fist.

Now that I’ve wrapped up with all of this, are your own Mechanismo May Challenge models missing from here? If you left a link in the announcement thread, then it should be here and I apologise. If there’s no link there, then leave one here. I may seen, read and even commented on your post, but I’m damned if I can remember each and every blog post I go through each month! Broken links, etc – just bring it to my attention and I’ll also fix them up ASAP.

Armoured/Army April ’19: Community Painting Challenge – Community Round-Up

Dave Stone’s Imperial Forces

Kicking off this month’s challenges for Armoured April/Army is Dave Stone of Wargames Terrain Workshop. Made up predominantly from Imperial Assault figures from FFG, seeing them all collected together certainly has an impact beyond what the individual models can convey, as nice as they can be individually. I think this is something we’ll see repeatedly throughout this round-up.

Dave Stone’s Imperial Riot Stormtroopers

Dave has also completed a few models for the Armoured aspect of the month’s challenge, starting with this squad of Riot Stormtroopers.

Dave’s Stormtroopers.

Next up, Dave has a squad of regular Stormtroopers, adding to his armoured troops completed in April. Quite a nice collection of dirty-white armoured troops completed in a single month!


ssspectre’s Thracians

ssspectre from The War For The End of the World gives us a shot of his beautifully painted Thracian force. With them, he’s achieved something very similar to what I’m aspiring to with my Vikings, in a colourful and characterful that also retains a link to reality and how things may have actually looked in the day. The details apparent on his warriors’ shields and the patterns embroidered on their tunics and cloaks look fantastic, and even moreso when you go in close to look at them more closely. There are a number of close-in photos of them on his blog post, and I think it’s one that is definitely worth checking out!

ssspectre’s Thracian heavy hero – Anathaetes.

ssspectre also put together an individual model for Armoured April – Anathaetes, a Thracian Hero in heavy armour. Anathaetes can also be seen on the right-hand side of the group shot above, alongside his fellows.


Steve’s Relictors Space Marine Dreadnought

Steve from Dreadaxe Games completed a pair of models for the Armoured April challenge – reinforcements for his Relictors Space Marine Chapter. The first being an Ironclad Castraferrum Dreadnought. I really like how smoothly he applied that decal for the banner’s skull-icon.

Steve’s Relictors Primaris Chapter Ancient.

Steve’s second submission for the month is another Relictor – this time a Primaris Chapter Ancient carrying a captured Chaos Icon. I can’t in any way see why other Imperial Forces might think the Relictors’ loyalties to be a little suspect.. can you?


mcmattila’s Warzone Capitol Light Infantry Captain #2

mcmattila of mcmattilaminis painted an Old-School WarZone model. The figure is Light Infantry Captain #2, though he’s armed as a Capitol Special Forces Trooper with M516D Shotgun. Back in 1e WarZone, though – you could equip your heroes with pretty much anything from their faction’s wargear list rather than them having bespoke gear, as many current 40k models have, which explains the confusion. Either way, he’s done a great job with the Star-Spangled Pauldron, as well as the dented and scratched armour.


Dave Kay’s Reaper Bones Wights

Dave Kay from Scent of a Gamer completed this pair of Reaper Bones Undead figures for Armoured April. I’m not sure of their exact “official” names, but Dave has painted them as a pair of Wights, which works for me! In order to achieve that Undead glow, he’s used the new(ish) technical paints from Games Workshop, Hexwraith Flame and Nighthaunt Gloom – and to great effect!


steinbergshedspace’s Death Guard Chaos Legion force.

Another hobbyist who has contributed something for both Army April and Armoured April is Steinberg of Steinberg Shed Space. He’s firstly shared a shot of his impressively-sized Death Guard Legion force.

Steinberg’s Death Guard Plaguecaster Pete

Next up, Steinberg also completed this Death Guard Plaguecaster (named Pete) – geared up in his Powered Armour.

Steinberg’s Death Guard Myphitic Blight-Hauler

Finally, Steinberg completed and submitted this Death Guard Daemon Engine – a Myphitic Blight-Hauler. I don’t know who names these things…


Wudugast’s UR-025, Man of Iron.

Wudugast, from Convert or Die completed UR-025, the Man of Iron player character “hero” from the Blackstone Fortress Board Game. As Wudugast rightly points out, UR-025 is basically a walking suit of armour, and so qualifies quite nicely for Armoured April.

Wudugast’s Khorne Bloodrager

Wudugast also completed this heavily iron-looking Khorne Blood Warrior as part of Armoured April.

Wudugast’s growing Khorne Warband.

That same Blood Warrior features in Wudugast’s first of two shots for Army April. The AoS Khorne Mortal Warband inspired by Alex’ challenge from earlier in the year.

Wudugast’s mob of 75 40k Boys

Finally, Wudugast shows us what 75 footslogging Ork Boyz for 40k looks like.


Sunfire’s Age of Sigmar Tzeentch Warband

Sunfire, from Rhoda’s Reach has shared his Age of Sigmar Tzeentch/Tzaangor Warband, for Army April – along with some intricate custom scenery. The details of these can be seen much mroe in a series of posts over on his blog.

Sunfire’s 30k Death Guard Legion

Sunfire also shared his Death Guard Legion army shot for Horus Heresy/30k gaming. A pretty sweet looking shot of the earlier iteration of the Death Guard here!


Carlo’s Dirz

Carlo of Deuteros Games completed a trio of Dawn Warriors from the Alchemists of Dirz faction from Confrontation. The soft pastel shades and subtle tones within the NMM that Carlo used on these models is reminiscent of Rackham’s artwork for the game at the time.


mcmatilaminis showcase features 5 different Warhammer Underworlds Warbands.

mcmattila of mcmattilaminis has chosen a “compilation” shot of 5 Warhammer Underworlds/Shadespire Warbands. The shot features Bonerattle, Stormcast, Ironjawz, Khorne Bloodbound and Skaven.


mcmattila’s Revelators Ironclad Dreadnought

mcmattila also completed this Ironclad Dreadnought for his Revelators Space Marine Chapter. This model obviously covers the Armoured portion of April for mcmattilla, and the machine looks all the more impressive for the heavy weathering and chipping that has been applied.


Warbringer’s Mollog’s Mob

Warbringer, from the Krakendoomcool blog completed Mollog’s Mob, a Troll/Troggoth-themed warband from the Warhammer Underworlds game. If you’re interested in seeing how Warbringer achieved the vibrant look on these models, he happens to have included a series of WIP photos with a walkthrough on the post.


Eloth’s Space Wolf Force

Eloth, of Eloth’s Endeavours has submitted his Space Wolves Force as an Armoured Army this month. A nice mix of Thunderwolf Cavalry and infantry, along with a kitbashed Wolf Priest on foot to lead the force. Eloth has gone to lengths to make each of his Space Wolf models an individual.


Pete's IS-7 Heavy Tank

Pete S /SP from SP’s Projects Blog completed this IS-7 Soviet Heavy Tank. This beast is certainly a piece of armour that qualifies for Armoured April! Makes me want to dig out my 28mm scale one from Warlord and get started on it!


Argentbadger’s Druze Bayram Security force

Argentbadger, from The Bovine Overlord this month shares a shot of his Druze Bayram Security force from Infinity that he has been diligently working on over the past several months. We kept asking for a group shot, and now that we have it, the wait was certainly worthwhile, as I’m sure you’ll agree!


Krautscientist’s Original HeroQuest Collection

Krautscientist from the Eternal Hunt provided the final submission for Army April – his completed Old-School set of HeroQuest models, along with a couple of custom extras to cover some of the characters that GW/MB never supplied unique figures for. The project has been a clear labour of love for KS, as it was something that readers could watch take shape over the course of several months. A pretty spectacular achievement!


So of course, I missed some models, as I was working down the comments and missed some of the stuff up top.

Alex’ Zymot Thrallgash, the Ork Commander of Station 2

Alex’ Old-school Armoured Orks

Alex of Leadbaloony finished off rather a fair few old-school armoured Orks of different types. There’s Zymot Thrallgash, the Commander of Station 2, followed by da Yellow Skwad

Alex’ Rulko, Captain of the Guard

Alex’ Kalug – the boss for Station Three and his cronies.

These boyz were followed by Rulko, Captain of the Guard, and Ork engineer Kalug, the boss of Station Three – along with his power armoured entourage.




And me? Well, I didn’t get an army shot taken, and I only finished a small few of the Armoured figures I had hoped to. So here’s what I got done for April’s challenge. There’ll be another month for army shots down the line, so I’ll catch up later on…

Speaking of… is your own Armoured or Army April Challenge work missing from here? If you left a link in the announcement thread, then it should be here and I apologise. If there’s no link there, then leave one here. I may seen, read and even commented on your post, but I’m damned if I can remember each and every blog post I go through each month! Broken links, etc – just bring it to my attention and I’ll also fix them up ASAP.