Cthulhu: Death May Die – Fire Vampires

Cthulhu: Death May Die - Fire Vampires

Back to the Monsters today, and the Cthulhu: Death May Die figures as well. I’ve managed to complete the Fire Vampires, which I’d hoped to have finished off a couple of weeks ago for Monster MAYhem, but it just didn’t work out that way in the end. These creatures had a lot of the work done using contrasts, but the blending between the reds and the oranges and yellows and the flesh tones and the blacks and so forth was a little more time consuming than I’d first expected, and I needed to be in the right mood to do those blends. I managed to complete the pair of them by basically forcing myself to sit down and do those last bits to my satisfaction.

Cthulhu: Death May Die - Fire Vampires

As I mentioned a few weeks ago with the Yugg, it does certainly seem like some of the concept artists and/or sculptors of these minis certainly enjoyed taking inspiration from various sources, including human anatomy. In a completely unrelated aspect, it also seems that the artist who came up with this, apparently quite different take on the Fire Vampire is also a big fan of orchids. Of a certain shape. Not to mention other appendages coming out of them. I guess a lot of people want to be H.R.Giger…

Cthulhu: Death May Die - Fire Vampires

Game-wise, these models make up one of the two mini-boss fights for the opening scenario of the game, along with the Star-Spawn of Cthulhu – the big bad of course being Cthulhu itself! We’ve played that scenario 2 or 3 times now, I think. Losing one near the end, aborting one near the start because we got proper fucked by RNG almost immediately, and then winning one because we forgot a bunch of rules, inadvertently making things a bit easier. So probably got to go back and replay that one when we get a chance. The next 5 of these C:DMD horrors in the queue aren’t from that first scenario, though – instead they’re models I picked out as I thought they’d be on the quicker and easier side to paint…