Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Civilian Cars (as Melbourne Cabs!)

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Civilian Cars Melbourne Cabs

Another two steps closer to finishing everything from my MCP core set (at least, the first one!) with my long-delayed completion of the two civilian cars. These could have been painted much, much faster if I hadn’t been tempted into using those little taxi lights that came with the kits, and then decided to kit them out with more-or-less realistic(ish) Melbourne Cab livery.

The problem ended up being a need to create a whole lot of custom decals in order to get all of these markings. I actually got most of them together months and months ago, but I still needed to create the licence plates – and for that matter, I needed to make up enough additional custom decals for other projects to make printing out that sheet worthwhile.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Civilian Cars Melbourne Cabs

So it wasn’t until a little over a week ago that I finally got the sheet printed with the hood decal, the four door decals and then the two licence plates for each. And then it was time to add all of the bastards to the two models!

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Civilian Cars Melbourne Cabs

I think they came out pretty well in the end – they’re an excellent example of models where I really didn’t enjoy the painting process at all, but I’m actually pretty happy with the final result. Of course, with a second Core Set, it means I have another pair of these cars still to paint at some stage. Though I’m thinking that two cabs will be plenty for my modern gaming motor pool, so the second two of these models will just be painted as standard, nondescript civilian cars. Perhaps one in white, and the other in silver grey – the most common and nondescript colours that I see on the roads locally.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Civilian Cars Melbourne Cabs

These two models really did need the impetus of Dave Stone’s of Season of Scenery Challenge to get finished. In the unlikely event that anyone’s interested in the MS Word file that contains these somewhat niche “print yourself” decals scaled for these models, I can likely work out how to make them available, so if you’re keen, please do let me know.

Marvel Crisis Protocol Terrain: Civilian Cars Melbourne Cabs

As you can see, despite the slightly larger scale of MCP models, they work just fine with other modern models in 28mm scale. Maybe a little large for “proper” scale, but close enough for a game of toy soldiers! I’ve got another pair of terrain models to drop in a couple of days, and wish me luck on getting the very last item from the Crisis Protocol Core set finished by the end of August….