Red Box Games – Orc Sizing comparisons

Since Tre’ still hasn’t gotten any kind of meaningful size comparisons of his figures up, aside from typing what amounts to a lot of hurfblurf about his figures being in their own unique scale, and the way that everyone else in the industry measures their figures being wrong, it once again falls to the community to work out and share the information. Especially in light of some RBG figures coming on round 20mm bases, others on 25mm bases, and most being tiny compared to other ranges. Except, apparently, things like these Orcs.

These pictures were originally posted on Dakka by Da Boss, and are rehosted here in our cooperative attempt to share the information.

Red Box Games Orc, Citadel Space Marine

Red Box Games Orc from Warriors A set, Citadel Space Marine

Citadel Night Goblin, Red Box Games Goblin, Citadel Space Marine

Red Box Games Orcs in a lineup of figures. GW Goblin, RBG Goblin, RBG Orc, ????, RBG Orc, GW Orc, RBG Orc, GW Marine

I’ll do some more of my own when I have time to take photos. We might have more from Da Boss as well, soon.

Some links to these figures at RBG’s online store:

RBG Orcs

RBG Goblins


Previous RBG size comparisons I’ve posted are:


Various figures compared with their Citadel LotR Counterparts

3 thoughts on “Red Box Games – Orc Sizing comparisons

  1. Seems a bit lazy and amateurish to me, not posting scales. “Everyone else does it wrong. I know because I don’t do it myself” has never been a convincing argument.

    I do like that goblin, but the rest leaves me cold. Not that I would back a Red Box Games project, such have been their problems with fulfilment, though in fairness I think his most recent project went well?

    How are your other Kickstarters going? I’ve not seen any updates for a while now. I am still waiting for my tablescapes to turn up. $475 spent 17 months ago and Secret Weapon have now twice chosen to sell what I paid for to other people rather than deliver them to me. I think the quality of the product will be great but I shall never do business with them again.


  2. In fairness, Tre’ is a nice guy and a great sculptor. He’s just not the best at business or sometimes what we as consumers would see as obvious needs or solutions. Truth be told, I still haven’t painted or even inventoried anything from the first KS since it kinda killed my interest in the line. I might paint the zombies soon, when I get around to doing some other zombies and such.

    I haven’t done any KS updates for awhile, true. Mostly because I feel like they turn me into a raging angry arsehole when I look at just how much is owed me by various incompetent businesses and suppliers.

    I’ll type one out tonight, and post it tomorrow.


    • “I haven’t done any KS updates for awhile, true. Mostly because I feel like they turn me into a raging angry arsehole when I look at just how much is owed me by various incompetent businesses and suppliers.”

      I know what you mean. I have held off sounding off about Tablescapes for the same reason, but I’m getting angrier by the day with the lack of attention to detail and general incompetence.


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