Zombicide: Green Horde – Barriers (Chevaux De Frise)

Zombicide: Green Horde - Barriers, Chevaux De Frise

About 2 years ago I painted and posted up the other half of these Zombicide 3D Obstacles – the Hedges. These “barriers” have sat around in a primed state ever since, mostly because painting all of those ropes looked like a hellish task.

I didn’t get any pics of them alongside the Zombicide: Black Plague models this time, but I can do that some other time in the future. I did get a couple of these sets, though – and it makes for a decent amount of table coverage as can be seen here alongside my Spartans.

Zombicide: Green Horde - Barriers, Chevaux De Frise

After putting them off for so long, I resolved to paint them last week and did so the day after I did those traffic cones – not too terrible a task in the end, though still not fun. I sprayed them a dull mid-brown, then painted the cut sharp ends with bone, dipped them into my jar of Vallejo Sepia Model Wash, then painted over the ropes using Citadel Contrast Wyldwood, a bit of weathering powder mixed in with matte varnish for the lower parts of the “legs”, then drybrushed the lot from top-down with Vallejo Bonewhite. Then Sprayed with Gloss, Satin and then Matte.

Zombicide: Green Horde - Barriers, Chevaux De Frise

As with so much of the terrain stuff I’ve been painting in the last couple of weeks, these spiked barriers will work in a variety of periods. Mark Morin has a rather interesting history lesson on these types of barriers, more correctly known today as Chevaux De Frise. Although there’s evidence of them being around as far back as the medieval period, I’ve been playing that 100% accurate historical document known as Assassins Creed: Odyssey, and they’re in plentiful evidence there, so we now know that these have been around since at least the days of Leonidas and Socrates!

And once again, these count towards Dave Stone’s Winter of Scenery Challenge!  My Challenge Round-up post for Dave’s Scenic challenge is going to be interesting for sure…

14 thoughts on “Zombicide: Green Horde – Barriers (Chevaux De Frise)

  1. More excellent looking scenery mate, it’s great the challenge has got you finishing off all these projects, as I feel the same way about your Jewel of July challenge, which has cleared some big pieces that really needed finishing

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks Dave. These ones are very much in the category of stuff I’m very glad to have finally gotten done and gotten rid of from my painting area. Just like those bloody traffic markers!
      Now I have a set of four large pieces to finally finish. Hopefully today…

      Liked by 3 people

  2. Isn’t that the truth?! I’ve primed so many terrain pieces now thinking “Oh yea, this would be some easy stuff to do!”. Then it sits and sits, maybe gets a slap of Contrast paint…then I look at all the metal clasps, chains, ropes, etc And yea “Awww, crap”. I guess that’s the case for a lot of us.

    Good on you for going the distance (and then some), to make some really nice looking pieces!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Yeah, I was rummaging around last night and found a plastic container that contained just a ton of chests from some boardgame or another. Like… 20? 40? of them, and decently detailed. Not that I don’t already have way more of the damned things painted already than I’ll ever use. And all so fucking fiddly with the clasps and hingers and reinforcements… bleh!

      Liked by 1 person

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